Saturday 26 January 2013

where's the faith?

But if You can do anything, take pity on us and help us!" 23 And Jesus said to him, “" 'If You can?' All things are possible to him who believes. Mark 9
I've heard many people praying like this... "Dear Lord, if you can do anything please..."
What's this if business?? Jesus created the world and everything that is in it, and we say if you can... Where is the faith? Where is the knowing of God? If... Are we really a people full of doubt!
Granted, we have no right to try and order God around! If it is in Gods will, it may take some time,  it will happen! Where is the faith? Has it really been replaced with doubt and unbelief??
Here's an idea:
• learn what authority each of us has
• learn to use it responsibly
• loose the doubt (whether self-doubt or God-doubt)
• loose the unbelief (this is called repentance)
• and learn to stand!
Standing firm in the assurance, strength, grace and mercy of Christ!
Sometimes we show our lack of understanding and knowing of God when we say "if God can..."! I prefer "if its in Gods will, He will..."!

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