Friday 1 November 2013

Keep the connection all week, not just for Sunday

Your relationship with God is your connection with God! Life can get in the way and try to sever that connection! You need yo "fight" to maintain that connection! Doing things like deliberately setting aside time to read the bible and pray, or pitting on worship music during the day! These will help to maintain that connection!

To have a healthy relationship with someone we need to work at it! We need communication, not just one sided, but both parties speaking and listening! God is a good listener, we also need to let Him speak to us! Which means that we need to spend some time with Him where our mouths are shut and we are listening! (Be still and know.)

Just as you need to spend time with your friend or spouse or child, to get to know them, you need to spend time with God to get to know Him! Sundays are great... But do you only spend one day a week with your husband or wife? No, you spend everyday with them! Its the same with God! He desires to spend time with us!

And dont think that to do that, you need to get up at 4am and pray for three hours! If you're not a morning person, then it won't work. I'd suggest that you find time somewhere else! You need to be smart in how you do it! I take a minute here and a minute there throughout my day to spend time with God. And I'm talking to Him about whatever I am doing, seeing or feeling! Spending time with God is a personal thing, between you and Him! And just because some preacher says that they read 10 chapters of the bible a day, doesn't mean you can! You need to be flexible and try things... Try something for a couple of weeks, then evaluate it! Dud you grow in your relationship? Did you feel any connection? And remember, there will be times when it is a struggle, those times are an investment. You reap what you sow. So if you sow time with God now, when its hard, you'll reap His presence in a deeper way later! And as a by-product, you'll have grown in your maturity and understanding, not only of yourself, but also of God!

So, go forth and grow! :) Enjoy you time with God!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

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