Sunday 27 October 2013

He won't relent until He has it all - is your heart His?

Our selfishness is the old self. Its what says "I can do it on my own", and refuses to allow God in. Since you have been raised to new life, think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. In other words - chuck away the selfishness and excuses.

Once you are a christian - Christ is your life. If Christ is your life, strip off the old sinful nature. You've heard of the terms "sold out for Jesus" and "laid down life", these are simply describing the fact that Christ is your life and you live like you believe it! Its where you take every opportunity to pray unceasingly and worship your Creator.

For love is as strong as death and jealousy as demanding as the grave. We were not told to have no other Gods for the fun of it. God (Elohim) is a jealous God. And it is easy to have no other gods... Its called spending every opportunity (and making time/opportunities) in Gods presence! You can not practice idolatry if you are wholeheartedly and willingly seeking the face of your Creator.

There's nothing I want more than You, Jesus. Come be the fire inside of me, come be the flame upon my heart, come be the fire inside of me, until you and I are one!

To be in Gods presence is NOT a once a week thing to do on a Sunday - it should be a daily thing.

The old is GONE, the new has COME! Make the choice to stay in the new! You ARE the righteousness of Christ. Live it, breathe it!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree there - so true Glen his is being preached in Glen Innes too :)