Friday 18 October 2013

When can a curse stay?

Somewhere in the bible I've read that a curse without cause can not stay. Therefore a large proportion of christians are walking under, living with and generally putting up with crap that they don't need to have! Simply because somewhere along the line they've either picked up or been given a curse!

So, how does a curse have a cause or reason? It can be from any number of things. Unforgiveness, sin, generational sin, occult practices...

Therefore, a curse without a cause or reason is either a curse that has not yet been broken off after sin has been repented of, or because someone has decided to lay a curse on you.

The majority of the time, when you get ministry and deal with your crap, ie. you confess your sin, repent and seek forgiveness, the curses that come with that sin are generally smashed and have no more power over you. Occasionally things can get missed.

The curse that someone puts upon you has been done so for a reason! Now remember, as christians we are told to bless and not curse. However, there are lots of people who for whatever reason, do not see things as we do! These people don't live by our standards! And some of them can be quite nasty!

With my background in occult, I know a little bit about curses! They are put on people to control them, make them sick, or to kill them! Yes, there are some nasty people out there!

My point is, sometimes that sickness is through no fault of your own. Sometimes that sickness is the result of a curse that has been placed on you by someone else. And sometimes you don't even know you've been cursed!

How to get rid of it. It doesn't take much! Mostly, some prayer, some forgiveness, then some blessings! And you're done!

So, you are praying, it is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit that you are living under someones curse... You firstly forgive them for that curse. Then you send that curse back to them, along with a pile of blessings. My favourite blessing to give pretty much anyone is that they will come to know their creator in a deeper way then they could dream, and that they will come to God and seek forgiveness and salvation, and that their days would be long and prosperous as they walk in the will and love of their heavenly father. Or something like that!

Once the reason for the curse has been dealt with, it simply can not stay! And I have seen people reap the results of curses that have been sent back to them - it ain't pretty!

You don't have to live your life under a curse! Seek God and what He says. If you need to repent of something, do it! Do not give the devil a foothold.

To live under a curse is to be less effective. To live under a curse is not living in freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Seek God, He will tell you what you need to know.

Be willing to forgive - this releases you to walk in freedom! Bless those who hurt you. Pray for those who hate you. And by all means, kick off the bondages of curses. You don't need them!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

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