Hope deferred makes the heart sick! Very much so! I totally agree with that because I know how that feels!
Let me ask you a question! What did you do when your prayer "never got answered"?? Did you sit and moan and mope and wish you never had hope? Or did you shut yourself away with God, totally focusing on Him, and pour out your heart to Him? I tried this... Its seriously hard, even though He already knows, He needs you to admit it!
God took me to a place I did not want to go! I had literally buried my desire in the garden and said to God, "I'm not going there! Its dead and buried!" But then He asked, "If its dead why does it still grieve you? If it's buried, why does it still visit you?" And He took me on a little journey into my heart, where I could see very plainly that what I had tried to kill and what I had tried to bury was still very much alive and still very much causing harm! Because hope deferred will make the heart sick! There's nothing wrong with having hope. What needs to happen is the hard bit. The letting go and letting God in to help clean up the wound! The heart is sick, it is wounded, it needs to be cleaned in order for it to heal. Step away from life for a weekend. Put on your favourite worship music, take communion and focus on Him... His body - the bread - broken for your sick heart. Focus on Him. Jesus died on a cross! This was God, God was there He died. He made it so your hope could be restored and your heart healed. His body - the bread of life - for your life. His blood, the blood of God for you! Get a hold of what He did. Then pour out your feelings, yell, swear if you must, scream, rant, rave, BUT BE HONEST!! He already knows, He wants you to know and He wants you to say it out loud! Doing this will eventually bring you to a place of peace, and where there is peace, there is freedom and contentment!
I'm still walking this path, 5 years of hope deferred is a painful thing. Others have had hope deferred for much much longer! Its a bigger more painful journey for them! The wound needs to be cleaned out of the crap before it can heal. And once it's healed, God is able to do things, because we have the capacity to let Him! God is a gentle man. He won't do something if we are unable because our hearts are sick! Seek Him. Seek what He has to say specifically to you. Seek Him, because He loves you and wants to heal you. Remember, He may do these things in ways we are not expecting! He may have already answered that prayer, we are just too sick to see it!
I wish you well on your journey and I pray that Gods blessings will rain down on you as you spend time getting to know Him on a more personal and intimate level.
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