He chose to give it all...
He created the heavens and the earth.
He created trees, grass and food, for us, to eat.
He created animals, birds, fish, bugs - some of which we eat, some we call beautiful.
He created the sun to give us warmth and light.
As if that wasn't enough...
He gave us his life!
He gave us His righteousness.
He gave us His health.
He gave us His relationship with His Father.
He'd never been separated from His Father before, He did it because we were separated.
We had no relationship - He gave us His.
Greater love has no man then the one who lays His life down, pours His life out and offers Himself as a sacrifice to take the wrath, anger, punishment and judgement for those He loves.
And what do we do in response?
Do we sit on our butts doing nothing?
By no means!
We have the message of repentance, grace, peace and mercy - we should share it with all who will listen! Purely out of love for our Saviour and Healer!
His desire is that none should perish, but have eternal life, hope, freedom, redemption, healing and most of all - His love!
What are we doing with what we have been given?
Are we sitting on it?
Have we buried it?
Or are we using it?
What will He say when He returns?
Will it be - well done good and faithful servant, you were faithful with a few things, I will give you more?
Or will it be - depart from me you wicked and lazy servant, you sat on what you had, you had been told what to do, but you refused, you memorized what to do, but you didn't do it! I will take from you what you had and give it to someone else!
I know what I'd prefer to hear!
What about you?
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