Sunday, 10 February 2013


Within my minds eye
Flickering from the past
Come images that terrify and calm
A paradox in me

Nail pierced hands, they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain
Yet its comforting to me

He chose to give it all
Jesus endured the pain
Paying a debt I owed
And created a paradox in me

Nail pierced hands, they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain
Yet its comforting to me

And in my heart I know that You're the only one
Who could have came and died, a sacrifice
As You're God's only Son

Nail pierced hands, they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain
Yet its comforting to me

Kutless - Passion

Devotion - ardent, often selfless affection and dedication, as to a person or principle. Feeling or
displaying strong affection or attachment.

Communion - the act of sharing; community; participation.

Salvation - the purpose of being restored or made new for the purpose of becoming saved; the
process of being rid of the old poor quality conditions and becoming improved.

While we were still sinners, Christ looked at us with extreme love and devotion, showed His
overwhelming devotion and unfailing love toward us, in that He stepped down out of heaven,
became a man, surrendered His will to His Father, took our sin, took beatings and sickness for
our health, wholeness and restoration, humbling Himself to the point of death, even death on a
cross. A selfless act of love that He did not have to do.

He was God - He had other options!

He chose to ignore and overlook those options.

His blood poured out - His death for our life.
His body broken - He took our sin so we could have His righteousness.

In the beginning was the Word, the Word became flesh and the Word was the Bread of life!

The Word, and thus, the Bread of life, was flogged, scourged, wounded, beaten and whipped so we could be healed emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Romans 5:8
Philippians 2:8
Matthew 28:53
John 1:1
John 6:35
1 Peter 2:24

Lord, You did so much more than just die for our salvation. You died to restore us! You died
to restore our relationship with our Father and Lord. You took all our crap - the sin, sickness,
disease - everything to give us Your love and life. You poured out Your all for us. You did far
more than we could ever imagine. Then, You rose to life! You have given us everything we
could ever need, want and desire - Your love. Thank you for ignoring Your other options. Thank
you for rescuing us. Thank you for forgiving us. Thank you for healing us. Amen.

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