Friday, 22 February 2013

Distractions need wisdom

Distractions... Nasty things these. They stop you doing work! They stop you spending time with God. They stop you reading your bible or getting to church! Distractions are nothing more then the devils sad attempt at stopping you from doing your God given tasks! They tempt you to get your eyes off Jesus and onto the distraction! Sometimes the distractions are small and hardly noticed, however, sometimes the distraction will be large and a legitimate issue that looks like it needs your attention. This is where you need to seek prayer from friends and family to gain perspective! You have a God given job to do! And, the devil and life in general will do everything to stop you or hinder you.
I go to church almost every Sunday morning. I have friends at another church in a different town, and their service is in the afternoon... I told them two weeks ago that I would bring the family down to visit them... That was two weeks ago! It still hasnt happened... Why, because of distractions! I believe and try my best to hold to "your word is your honour"! I've been teaching this to my daughter, yet, I haven't kept my word about getting the family to visit these friends at this other church! My bad. It means that I need to work harder at keeping my word! Plans are in place for this weekend to be down there visiting! And all going well, it will happen!
Others have bigger issues then visiting friends! They live in one country and have family in another, and someone is sick... While they have their work to do at home, the pressure of needing or wanting to visit the sick family presses in! While visiting them is not a bad thing, it could possibly be a ploy to get eyes off the focus area! A simple distraction! Wisdom and discernment are needed to be able to decide! This is where prayer comes in handy! And having people you can rely on for Godly wisdom! Sometimes, dropping everything to fix a problem isn't the best solution! Sometimes, simply praying about the problem is all that is needed! Seek God on what He has to say about it! Sometimes distractions are needed! Sometimes they will cause more harm then good! Wisdom is needed, and having a relationship with God will help you gain wisdom! And prayer is always a good thing. There will.always be distractions in this life! They are all good opportunities to practice your prayer skills! As well as your listening skills!
God always has an answer, sometimes its yes, sometimes its wait and sometimes its no!

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