Saturday, 23 February 2013

What God calls blessed, let no man or woman call cursed.

What God has blessed, let no man or woman curse!
Look at it this way - I am saved by grace through the blood of Jesus. So therefore I am the righteousness of Christ, therefore I am blessed! So, I have a little toe that decides to get in my way and cause itself pain by being kicked, caught on things and just generally hurting! Should I then, curse it because it refuses to work properly? No! I don't have the right to call what is blessed, cursed! That's not my place! Only God can do that! And because when He looks at me, He sees in me what His Son did, and I am therefore righteous - so He calls me blessed!
I could do the same thing for my womb... It has produced two beautiful and amazing daughters for me, then something went wrong, I conceived a third child and at 13 weeks gestation, I had a miscarriage. Its been 5 years of waiting and hoping. Should I therefore give up on my womb (which God calls blessed) and curse it?? Do I really want a curse in my body? Hell no! Do I have the right to curse it? Hell no! God calls it blessed because He calls me blessed. I have various other body parts I could do the same for... My right wrist, the muscles that control the focus of my eyes, my back... All of these bits of me are blessed because God decreed it to be so!
Its the same with all of you who are saved by through faith with the blood of the Lamb! Jesus died on a cross so everyone could be in relationship with the Father! His body was broken for our health... Are we going to believe that? Or are we going to try to live with the pain of self professed curses? Do we have the right to tell Jesus that what He did isn't good enough, that we have to curse various parts of us because we have decreed that they don't work properly? Because we haven't been given healing the way we demanded? What if you prayed for something (I'll pick on the idea of having children, because this is one of my areas that I need to continue to work through)... You say God hasnt promised you more children. What if God wants you in childrens ministry. Your desire is to have more children. What about adoption? What about ... God can work miracles, in more ways then one! And the miracle we are demanding, may not be the one He wants to give us!
We need to go to Him, seek Him, listen to what He has to say - no matter how painful His answer might be! Talking with Him is the only way we will ever become content with what we already have!

Friday, 22 February 2013

Distractions need wisdom

Distractions... Nasty things these. They stop you doing work! They stop you spending time with God. They stop you reading your bible or getting to church! Distractions are nothing more then the devils sad attempt at stopping you from doing your God given tasks! They tempt you to get your eyes off Jesus and onto the distraction! Sometimes the distractions are small and hardly noticed, however, sometimes the distraction will be large and a legitimate issue that looks like it needs your attention. This is where you need to seek prayer from friends and family to gain perspective! You have a God given job to do! And, the devil and life in general will do everything to stop you or hinder you.
I go to church almost every Sunday morning. I have friends at another church in a different town, and their service is in the afternoon... I told them two weeks ago that I would bring the family down to visit them... That was two weeks ago! It still hasnt happened... Why, because of distractions! I believe and try my best to hold to "your word is your honour"! I've been teaching this to my daughter, yet, I haven't kept my word about getting the family to visit these friends at this other church! My bad. It means that I need to work harder at keeping my word! Plans are in place for this weekend to be down there visiting! And all going well, it will happen!
Others have bigger issues then visiting friends! They live in one country and have family in another, and someone is sick... While they have their work to do at home, the pressure of needing or wanting to visit the sick family presses in! While visiting them is not a bad thing, it could possibly be a ploy to get eyes off the focus area! A simple distraction! Wisdom and discernment are needed to be able to decide! This is where prayer comes in handy! And having people you can rely on for Godly wisdom! Sometimes, dropping everything to fix a problem isn't the best solution! Sometimes, simply praying about the problem is all that is needed! Seek God on what He has to say about it! Sometimes distractions are needed! Sometimes they will cause more harm then good! Wisdom is needed, and having a relationship with God will help you gain wisdom! And prayer is always a good thing. There will.always be distractions in this life! They are all good opportunities to practice your prayer skills! As well as your listening skills!
God always has an answer, sometimes its yes, sometimes its wait and sometimes its no!

take, eat, take, drink

26 While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after giving thanks he broke it, gave it to his disciples, and said, "Take, eat, this is my body." 27 And after taking the cup and giving thanks, he gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you, 28 for this is my blood, the blood of the covenant, that is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:26-28 (NET)
26 During the meal, Jesus took and blessed the bread, broke it, and gave it to his disciples: Take, eat. This is my body. 27 Taking the cup and thanking God, he gave it to them: Drink this, all of you. 28 This is my blood, God's new covenant poured out for many people for the forgiveness of sins. Matthew 26:26-28 (Message)
After giving thanks, or blessing the bread He broke it and gave it to them to eat!
31 Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, just as it is written, 'He gave them bread from heaven to eat.'" 32 Then Jesus told them, "I tell you the solemn truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but my Father is giving you the true bread from heaven. 33 For the bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." John 6:31-33 (NET)
Do you see the point I'm trying to make? Jesus is the bread of communion which is a covenant meal set out for us to partake of as often as we meet together!
Is the one you are married to a believer just like you? How often do you meet together? Every morning? Every evening? A few days a week because of shift work??
If we eat of the bread of life, being Jesus, we stand a far greater chance at doing what He says to do! Because we have His life inside us!
Then there is the cup... Juice, wine, cordial... Whatever... Jesus took the cup, gave it and said drink this all of you... Not one or two of you, but all of you... It is for the remission or forgiveness of sin!
What is sin? It is everything that is outside of God that does not fit into His will. (this is my understanding) When we grasp a hold of how bad sin actually is... It is not something that could simply be swept under the carpet... It is why Jesus died! Jesus, part of the trinity, the Son of God - human - dead - on a cross - for US! We must be some kind of special for the universe creator to hang Himself on a cross for US. His blood in the cup we drink which is part of the covenant meal.
Covenant - a binding agreement or a sealed contract. I'm sure you know what a contract is!! Most people use them for work! They are also used for marriages, and the dinner that is usually had after the signing of the contract is a covenant meal... It is not meant to be broken!
Communion is a covenant meal between you as an individual and God. Your side of the agreement says you will love Him, worship Him and seek Him only! It says you will tell the world about Him, you will share Him with your friends and your family and your work or school colleges! You will do whatever He planned for you to do since the beginning of creation. His side of the agreement says that He will be the supplier and provider of your every need. He will love you, never leave you, protect you, sustain you, bless and not curse you, forgive you of all your sins - those things that killed His Son, and He will heal you. What more can you ask for? Personal covenant relationship with your creator!
Focus on Him. See yourself as He sees you - worth dying for! Ask yourself - who would willingly die in your place? Who would wear a crown of thorns on their head, who would allow themselves to be beaten, then whipped 39 time with leather and broken shards of whatever woven into the leather, then who would willingly go and be nailed to a cross for you?? There's only one that I know of! He is Jesus, the Son of the living God! Your creator and redeemer!
Go have a covenant meal with Him! Thank Him for all He has done for you! Starting with Him creating you then dying for you because He loves you with a love that you can't understand!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

I will never leave you nor forsake you

I just watched a documentary (Great Migrations) and in the part I watched, it was of a young zebra stallion and a recently born colt who's mother had died! As the story goes, the stallion eventually leads the colt away from his dead mother and the scavengers feasting on her... It spoke to me of what God does for us. He gently encourages us to step away from our dead-end lives and follow Him to fresh, safe pastures. All the while reminding us of His promise, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
He makes me lies down in green pastures.
He leads beside still waters.
He restores my soul and guides my path in righteousness for His names sake.
Surely goodness and loving kindness shall follow me all the days of my life.
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever and ever and ever.
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not fear, thou art with me! Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Thou anointest my head with oil, my cups overflowing.
Surely goodness and loving kindness shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever and ever.
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. (Keith Greens version of Psalm 23.)

Hope deferred makes the heart sick

Hope deferred makes the heart sick! Very much so! I totally agree with that because I know how that feels!
Let me ask you a question! What did you do when your prayer "never got answered"?? Did you sit and moan and mope and wish you never had hope? Or did you shut yourself away with God, totally focusing on Him, and pour out your heart to Him? I tried this... Its seriously hard, even though He already knows, He needs you to admit it!
God took me to a place I did not want to go! I had literally buried my desire in the garden and said to God, "I'm not going there! Its dead and buried!" But then He asked, "If its dead why does it still grieve you? If it's buried, why does it still visit you?" And He took me on a little journey into my heart, where I could see very plainly that what I had tried to kill and what I had tried to bury was still very much alive and still very much causing harm! Because hope deferred will make the heart sick! There's nothing wrong with having hope. What needs to happen is the hard bit. The letting go and letting God in to help clean up the wound! The heart is sick, it is wounded, it needs to be cleaned in order for it to heal. Step away from life for a weekend. Put on your favourite worship music, take communion and focus on Him... His body - the bread - broken for your sick heart. Focus on Him. Jesus died on a cross! This was God, God was there He died. He made it so your hope could be restored and your heart healed. His body - the bread of life - for your life. His blood, the blood of God for you! Get a hold of what He did. Then pour out your feelings, yell, swear if you must, scream, rant, rave, BUT BE HONEST!! He already knows, He wants you to know and He wants you to say it out loud! Doing this will eventually bring you to a place of peace, and where there is peace, there is freedom and contentment!
I'm still walking this path, 5 years of hope deferred is a painful thing. Others have had hope deferred for much much longer! Its a bigger more painful journey for them! The wound needs to be cleaned out of the crap before it can heal. And once it's healed, God is able to do things, because we have the capacity to let Him! God is a gentle man. He won't do something if we are unable because our hearts are sick! Seek Him. Seek what He has to say specifically to you. Seek Him, because He loves you and wants to heal you. Remember, He may do these things in ways we are not expecting! He may have already answered that prayer, we are just too sick to see it!
I wish you well on your journey and I pray that Gods blessings will rain down on you as you spend time getting to know Him on a more personal and intimate level.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Nothing is impossible for You

Nothing is impossible for You.
If you say to this tree - go throw yourself into the fire, and it is My will, it will surely happen.
If you have a problem or a trouble then you can request that it be moved. If it is not moved then you need to ask for wisdom and discernment as to how to move on and deal with it. Seek Me. Seek My face. You call me Precious Saviour - so seek me!!

Friday, 15 February 2013

"She'll be right" - I'm not so sure!

She'll be right! Will it? Really? Are you sure about that??
The "she'll be right" attitude has the potential to be a killer attitude! It lacks the understanding that when a warning is made, something needs to be done! You can't always say "she'll be right"!
Your relationship with God is lacking - "she'll be right" - God says - you are neither hot nor cold and I am about to spit you out!! So will it really be alright?
"She'll be right" boarders on lazyness and a "couldn't care less" attitude! Are you sure it will be alright??
Have you not heard? The DEVIL owns the fence you've parked your ass on!! Will it really be alright?
Wake up! Repent. Turn your eyes upon Jesus! Seek His face for today is the day of salvation - tomorrow could be too late! Then "she won't be right"!!

He chose to give it all...

He chose to give it all...

He created the heavens and the earth.

He created trees, grass and food, for us, to eat.

He created animals, birds, fish, bugs - some of which we eat, some we call beautiful.

He created the sun to give us warmth and light.


As if that wasn't enough...

He gave us his life!

He gave us His righteousness.

He gave us His health.

He gave us His relationship with His Father.

He'd never been separated from His Father before, He did it because we were separated.

We had no relationship - He gave us His.

Greater love has no man then the one who lays His life down, pours His life out and offers Himself as a sacrifice to take the wrath, anger, punishment and judgement for those He loves.

And what do we do in response?

Do we sit on our butts doing nothing?

By no means!

We have the message of repentance, grace, peace and mercy - we should share it with all who will listen! Purely out of love for our Saviour and Healer!

His desire is that none should perish, but have eternal life, hope, freedom, redemption, healing and most of all - His love!

What are we doing with what we have been given?

Are we sitting on it?

Have we buried it?

Or are we using it?

What will He say when He returns?

Will it be - well done good and faithful servant, you were faithful with a few things, I will give you more?

Or will it be - depart from me you wicked and lazy servant, you sat on what you had, you had been told what to do, but you refused, you memorized what to do, but you didn't do it! I will take from you what you had and give it to someone else!

I know what I'd prefer to hear!

What about you?

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Communion Prayer

Lord, I thank you for everything that you did for me. I thank you that you died on the cross, that while there you not only died for my salvation and redemption, but you also died for my health. You took all my sickness, infirmity, and weakness. You took my sore toes, my crazy lumpy ears, my blurry eyes, and my barrenness!
Lord, I decided last night that I would take communion every day for a month, to see for myself the results, not that I want it to be any form of incantation or spell, but that I want to see for myself what these people are talking about! I want to have understanding and wisdom in this, I can not tell others, if I do not have understanding and revelation! And I don't feel that I have any of that at this point in time.
So Lord, I ask that you give me wisdom and understanding.
I thank you Lord that your body was broken for my health, wholeness  and wellbeing.
Thank you Lord that your blood was poured out for my salvation and redemption and restoration of my relationship with my Father in heaven.
Thank you Lord, for giving me another way to start my day, with You in mind and focus!
Lord, this feels so foreign to me. I never really understood communion, and I'm not sure I do yet! To be honest, I'm not sure if I ever will. But I will try. The next month should hopefully help in building my understanding and knowledge of communion!
I once asked, "how many messages can a person preach on communion?" yet it seems that it is the foundation of everything else. Was I that wrong? Teach me Lord, give me wisdom, discernment and understanding.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Proverbs 15:33

33 The fear of the Lord provides wise instruction,

and before honor comes humility.

Sunday, 10 February 2013


Part of leadership is sacrifice. Going that extra little bit to make sure things work. This is something that I have been thinking about for a little while now, since having a few responsibilities handed over to me!
I remember discussing with God one day about how I didn't seem to have a "job" in the church! That was how I felt. It was as if I was coming to church and simply taking up room! Then we had a change of pastor, and I adopted the temporary one as dad and his wife as mum. I was still having these discussions with God, when I kinda had a sneaking suspicion that I was being trained up for something... But it was only a suspicion! And now that we have a new pastor, I'm being given more responsibility! And I feel the very strong need to give the pastor and his wife as much support as possible. So for me, that means that making sure the church announcements are up to date and correct, and that the pastors power point actually displays correctly, and that the lyrics for the musicians are up and in their proper order for the peoples ease of worship! Minor jobs, but if you screw up it is soooo noticeable! Time is needed to make sure everything is right! This morning I loaded the sermon power point and it didn't look right. At that point I didn't know what it was supposed to look like, but the text was smooshed to one side and half of the slides were blank... If I hadn't have checked it, then there would have been problems at sermon time!
The point I am trying to make is that, no matter what size your job is... Do it to the best of your ability! Come an extra five minutes early to do that pre-check or whatever! It will save time and embarrassment! And if you've read the parable of the talents... You'll actually is a small way be using the talents the Master gave you!
Sacrifice and dedication are part of the leaders characteristics! Build them into your life!


Within my minds eye
Flickering from the past
Come images that terrify and calm
A paradox in me

Nail pierced hands, they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain
Yet its comforting to me

He chose to give it all
Jesus endured the pain
Paying a debt I owed
And created a paradox in me

Nail pierced hands, they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain
Yet its comforting to me

And in my heart I know that You're the only one
Who could have came and died, a sacrifice
As You're God's only Son

Nail pierced hands, they run with blood
A splitting brow forced by the thorns
His face is writhing with the pain
Yet its comforting to me

Kutless - Passion

Devotion - ardent, often selfless affection and dedication, as to a person or principle. Feeling or
displaying strong affection or attachment.

Communion - the act of sharing; community; participation.

Salvation - the purpose of being restored or made new for the purpose of becoming saved; the
process of being rid of the old poor quality conditions and becoming improved.

While we were still sinners, Christ looked at us with extreme love and devotion, showed His
overwhelming devotion and unfailing love toward us, in that He stepped down out of heaven,
became a man, surrendered His will to His Father, took our sin, took beatings and sickness for
our health, wholeness and restoration, humbling Himself to the point of death, even death on a
cross. A selfless act of love that He did not have to do.

He was God - He had other options!

He chose to ignore and overlook those options.

His blood poured out - His death for our life.
His body broken - He took our sin so we could have His righteousness.

In the beginning was the Word, the Word became flesh and the Word was the Bread of life!

The Word, and thus, the Bread of life, was flogged, scourged, wounded, beaten and whipped so we could be healed emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Romans 5:8
Philippians 2:8
Matthew 28:53
John 1:1
John 6:35
1 Peter 2:24

Lord, You did so much more than just die for our salvation. You died to restore us! You died
to restore our relationship with our Father and Lord. You took all our crap - the sin, sickness,
disease - everything to give us Your love and life. You poured out Your all for us. You did far
more than we could ever imagine. Then, You rose to life! You have given us everything we
could ever need, want and desire - Your love. Thank you for ignoring Your other options. Thank
you for rescuing us. Thank you for forgiving us. Thank you for healing us. Amen.

Because I Love You

Lord, I kind of feel like you are trying to say something like, "Because I love you", but its more like "because I love you", but even that doesn't quite come close! Its more like "because, I, your creator, your fashioner, the one whom knit you together in your mothers womb, I, your supplier, your father, your friend, your protector, your healer, your God, the Great I Am, love you, with a love that overflows, is passionate, devoted, full of mercy and abounding with grace, is powerful enough to overwhelm and crush you, but gentle enough to hold you when you hurt, heal you when when you are sick, comfort you when you mourn, and simply adore you... Because I love you has so much more than you could ever understand or fathom. It is so deep and so wide that you will never grasp its true measure. Because I love you, is more powerful than anything in this world, its what held my Son on that cross, its what a father does for their child... Because I love you, is more than a cliche to be rattled off the tongue in a hapless bundle of meaningless words, it is more profound than you will ever understand. BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! Dwell on it, meditate on it, remember it, write it down, sing about it, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, BECAUSE - I - LOVE - YOU. Learn it, remember it, meditate on it, study it, I poured out my everything for you. You are not scum, or meaningless, or worthless, unwanted or anything else. YOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE MY LOVE,YOU ARE LOVED BY ME, YOU ARE BLESSED, YOU ARE MINE!

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


Here is another song that is in my play list!

Job 10 Part 1

I am disgusted with my life. Let me complain freely. My bitter soul must complain. Job 10:1 NLT

Disgusted is quite a strong word! And if I was disgusted with my life I would complain too... I know that people would tell me to get over myself, build a bridge, learn to swim, do something about it... But I would want to complain! And to be perfectly honest – I think Job had a right to complain! What had he done to tick the devil off so badly to make him want to seek the destruction of Job? Was it simply because Job shunned evil and lived as righteously as he could??

I will say to God, “Don't simply condemn me – tell me the charge you are bringing against me. Job 10:2 NLT

The only charge that was “against” Job was that he was blameless and upright before God and that ticked off the devil! But Job didn't know this piece of information. I know that when Exavier died, I had words to say to both God and the devil! They were both polite enough to give me an audience so I could share my complaint with both of them! I didn't want my only child to die! I felt weak and helpless and vulnerable... Imagine what Job has been through... He had 10 children and he lost them all... I cant even begin to imagine what that would feel like. Forget about everything else – just dwell on the loss of the children for a second or two! I can understand why Job felt condemned!

What do you gain by oppressing me? Why do you reject me, the work of your own hands, while smiling on the schemes of the wicked? Job 10:3 NLT

What does God obtain by allowing a person to be oppressed? Hopefully, a person with a closer relationship and a deeper understanding of and with God! That is what Job ultimately got! Things that come against us should push us closer to God! Seeking his face for understanding and wisdom! While I don't think that God rejected Job, He certainly did allow the devil to do his thing... But in my understanding that was to prove a point to the devil! And I certainly don't think that God smiles of the schemes of the wicked! While we humans do feel like that at times! There's plenty in Proverbs that says that the wicked will be punished for their sins. How much did Job know about God? Enough to fear Him, but not enough to understand His ways of doing things! And had Job even heard of the devil? He knew about evil, because he shunned it! How much can we get wrong because we don't know!

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Love in the same way Jesus loved you

We treat people as though they are perfect, because as soon as someone gets it wrong, we break fellowship and allow bitterness, resentment and division to grow!
We need our foundation to be built on Christ Jesus.
When something or someone break fellowship, we need to learn and remember to forgive! This helps preserve unity! Because a house divided against itself can not stand! If you hold resentment, bitterness and grievances, then you are standing divided from God! If you do not forgive your brother, sister, mother, father, friend, then your Heavenly Father can not forgive you!