Friday, 25 January 2013

Your word is your HONOUR

And above all, my brothers and sisters, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or by any other oath. But let your "Yes" be yes and your "No" be no, so that you may not fall into judgment. James 5:12 (NET)
Your word is your honour! God understands this, which is why He says all his promises are true and (yes and amen). Sometimes though, we humans need reminding that our word should be our honour! Let your yes be yes and your no be no! This means that if you tell a person you will visit them, follow through! And if you can't, be decent and let them know!
I could give many examples of some people I know, how keep promising that they will come to visit, but for whatever reason, it never happens, even when plans have been made and approximate dates given! Something happens and they don't turn up! But what really annoys me is that I hear through some other means that they went visiting someone elsewhere! Now while I have no problem with that, I would appreciate that they kept their yes as a yes instead of turning it into a no and not letting me know! Reliability is at an all time low with these particular people! While they say things, on the back of my mind there's the thought, they couldn't hold true to their word before, what means they will now?
I have a question for you! Do you like being let down by someone who says they will do something and then don't do it, and fail to give a legitimate reason for not doing it?
Another question! (Be honest) Have you said you will do something and not done it? And not given a legitimate reason why not? How did you feel!
I know that I have failed, for various reasons to not do something, or turned up late! I try not to be late, but sometimes, road works or other things happen so I can't do what I said I would! I do try to appologize for these things! And I try and write things down, so I definitely don't forget or double book myself! Because I hate it when people say one thing and do another! How about you?
When it comes to people, the only person we have any power to change is ourselves, and even then, if the change is outside of Gods help or doing, will it actually last?
So, I have a challenge for you (and me, cause I am still learning this one too - I fail at it from time to time) - if the problem is saying no, do that you end up taking on too much, find an understanding friend or two, and get the to help you learn to say no to things! Also ask for Gods help, and while you are there, ask for His wisdom to!
If you already have taken on way too much and you either have no time to do it all, or you are forgetting things you said you would do, seek Gods guidance on what you should drop (and politely tell those involved with it, that you can no longer do "xyz"!) and maybe consider obtaining a diary and once the day is full of the priorities, whatever room is left is time you can have for whatever else! That way, your priorities are covered first, and whatever time is left can go to doing whatever! For this, you will need to work out what your priorities are! I'd suggest, that maybe praying, reading Gods word, spending time with your family, church and work would be your highest priorities!
Getting it into your head that your word is your honour can be a hard thing! Especially today!
Marriages seem to no longer be held in high regard! And people get divorces over the most stupidest of things!
A person can do huge damage with their tongue! As christians, we need to remember that we hold the power of life or death in our mouths! The bible says that the tongue cuts deeper than a knife! And words do hurt! We can lessen that pain, if we believed that our word is our honour. We would be polite, and we would hold true to our word. We also wouldn't call each other names! Because there is no honour in calling someone a moron! They either don't know what it means, or they won't hear you! (especially if you are in a car and they've just cut in front of you or tried to side swipe you...)
While my nephew was here I pretty much banned the Nintendo, because I was sick of hearing "die, die, die, I'm going to kill you!" It grated on me! Because we hold the power of life and death in our mouths!
God actually educated me about this! I had a plant that my grandmother had given me. It was dying, whether by partial neglect or because I didn't know how to look after it, either way it was dying, a slow agonising death! I asked God if He could make it live! He replied, you can! Speak life to it! And give it rain water from a storm! I did that and it picked up! But it was hardly existing! I asked God about it again and He said move it outside and speak life to it! So I did! Its making a wonderful recovery on the front veranda, still a lot smaller than it was, but its getting there!
So, do you wish to be viewed as honourable? Keep your word, speak politely, and don't bring others down by childish name calling! Just because someone acts like a moron, doesn't mean you call them one! Just because you don't like something about your husband or wife, doesn't mean you divorce them! Your yes is your yes, and your no is your no. And your word is your honour! A man (or woman) does not defile themselves by what they put into their mouth, but by what comes out of their mouth, for out of the overflow of their heart, their mouth speaks! If they are evil, then they with speak forth evil things. If they are God fearing, then they will be doing their best to speak, wise, kind and compassionate things! And you will know them, by their fruit! A good tree can not best bad fruit and a bad tree can not bear good fruit! Your word is your honour! Your yes is your yes and your no is your no! Go forth and be blessed!

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