People who don't know who they are will often mimic what they see around them, or they will invent something that makes them look good in the eyes of men! Or they blame things, circumstances, or people for their life! None of these are good options!
However, as Christians, we need to attain our self image from what God says about us... God knows how He created us, we need to allow Him to do His work in us!
A good start to becoming the people God made us to be is repentance!
Repentance from not trusting our Creator to do ALL He said He will do... We were created for good works in Christ Jesus. For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them. (Ephesians 2:10 NET)
God has His own story about each person. He gave us our skills, our desires, our everything... Yet because we haven't asked we don't know what that story is!
My people are ruined because they don't know what's right or true. You do not have because you do not ask.
We dance around pretending we know what we are supposed to be and do! We have not asked God for His instructions for us, we walk blindly leading blind people!
The other problem that we cause, is telling others about the problems we think they have, because we have stopped trusting God to deal with them! The one thing we need to remember is that the only person on this planet that we can change and have the power to change is OURSELVES!! While we can give all the advice in the world, its not going to make a lick of difference if the person we are advising, either, doesn't want to hear what we have to say, or doesn't actually have the perceived problem, or is busy dealing with other issues, or whatever!
We need to get our eyes off our neighbours, husbands, wives, children, step children... And focus on Jesus and what HE has to say about US and let HIM deal with everyone else! This doesn't mean that we can't pray for others, it just means that we need to be aware of what we say to them and how we treat them! Some people are more fragile then they look!
We need to also stop blaming others for our problems! I've recently been partially blamed for some problems a family member is having... The problem with this is that I am 8hours drive away and maybe (if things go according to plan) I see them once a year! How then can I realistically be part of the problem? In fact I am not! The problem lies with the two involved... The problem is not being solved, its a lame attempt to pass it on, and I don't want it!
See, if we blame someone else for our problems, then nothing will get fixed and all we do is cause pain and resentment where there shouldn't be pain and resentment! All this hassle because we have stopped listening to what Jesus says about each of US as individuals! What He has to say about me will be completely different to what He has to say about you!
We need to repent of trying to change everyone else and neglecting ourselves! We all have our issues. We all need to deal with them the way God wants and in the time frame God wants!
We need a little reality check, and thus have nothing to do with the crap "reality tv" that is passed onto us as reality!
We need to take a look in our own backyards, and mow our lawns, and weed our gardens before we start moaning about everyone else!
We also need to remember, that the more we desire, as individuals, to have a closer, deeper, stronger relationship with Jesus, the more others are going to complain, because the Holy Spirit has a habit of acting like a mirror! He reflects us, exactly as we are back in our face! I had a moment of this!
I was a witch, sitting in my lounge room, planning my day! What I was going to do where, when, how and to who! When God showed up! In my lounge room! I instantly felt all the crap I was doing, all the rubbish I was trying to hide in my heart, and in general, my sin! I saw it, reflected back at me! I knew enough about God to wonder what on earth He was doing in my lounge room! I asked Him, why the visit? His response "because I love you"... Even though I was filthy and unrighteous, a sinner, practicing abominations and all kinds of evil, He came. He told me a tiny fraction of my story. "Because I love you."
Do you know what God says about you? If you don't know, may I suggest that you ask?
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