Friday, 4 January 2013

Another Challenge

Its been said that our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit (I think that this is mentioned in the bible, but I obviously haven't read that bit!).
If this is true (I think it is), then shouldn't we look after our bodies? (We should probably look after them anyways).
I'm going to give you another challenge - you can choose to do this or not - no pressure!!

I challenge you to take yourself for a walk every day (at least 6 days a week, rest on the 7th as God did at the creation) and pray, either while on your walk or before/after! You'll be amazed at how healthy and happy you feel!

This week I've done two 1hour walks with a friend! And if she can't come, I still need to challenge myself anyway! The dog, while he walks well, doesn't really hold that much appeal in conversation! The other thing I want to do is get a tread mill so even when its raining, I can still walk!

Remember, whilst physicial exercise is great for the physical body, spiritual exercise is needed for the spiritual part of us... Seeking Gods face is top priority! Reading His word and praying is also needed to keep ourselves in good condition!

What's the point of praying and having a relationship with God, if we can't physically go and share Him with the world? Likewise, why spend hours upon hours at the gym, if we are not sharing God? Balance is good! And I'm not saying go out and wreck ourselves doing a major workout! Go at your own pace! For some that is slow, for some that is fast!
I think that "being ready in season and out of season" includes being physically able to go!

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