Thursday, 3 January 2013

self-fulfilling nasties

How many times have I heard tired people say "I'm tired"?? Whilst they might just be telling the truth, they also have the potential to be telling their bodies to be tired! Let me put it a different way... How many people have trouble remembering where they put the keys or peoples names... "I always forget where I put them", "I remember faces but have trouble with names", "I can never seem to remember..."!! Sound familliar? What if, instead of constantly telling ourselves the story the devil wants us to believe about ourselves, we actually start telling ourselves the story God wants us to believe about ourselves!

"I always get sick at this time of year"! Do you? Is that really the truth?

I always used to get pneumonia once every two years! Always, no matter what I did! And the story was always the same "I always get pneumonia once every two years!" Its been around 15 years since I've had pneumonia - why? Because I told myself I wasn't having it, God said I was blessed with good health and my body had to believe that story not the other! So for a few years I told myself "I used to get pneumonia every two years, but now, I have the blessing of good health, and consequently, I rarely get sick!" It was a huge mental change! And I was a lot healthier!

Another example! (this one I am still learning) I had huge problems remembering peoples names! When you are your own boss and you seriously need to remember a clients name, if you dont, you get problems! So instead of telling myself that I'm shocking at remembering names, I tell myself that with a little work, I can remember their names! And not only that, I can remember a few other details that sets them apart from the next person with the same name... I know several Johns... First there is Pastor John, who is in heaven, then there is a John who owns the Hereford Steakhouse in Glen Innes... And there is a vague memory of a John who played a guitar in church many years ago!

Another one I can think of, again to do with memory - "my memory is like a seive- doesnt hold anything..." Is that really the truth? How about you ask God what He thinks of your memory!

Or another one that really frustrated me with my daughter "I can't..." No amount of telling her she can, worked! So one day I told her that she needed to ask God if He made her to be useless, or if He made her to be clever, doing a lot of wonderful things, like reading and riding her bike! I haven't had her answer, but she has started reading, riding her bike without demanding to be pushed, and we are not hearing "I can't" as often! Progress is wonderful!

A friend of mine tells it like it is, you ask her how she is, and she says, "I'm blessed, thanks!" I like her response!

So, my question to you is: are you going to continue telling yourself rubbish, or, are you going to seek God and ask Him about your story and what He has to say about you, and then choose to believe it and speak it?

It can be quite freeing, learning that we dont always have to be tired, we dont have to forget things, we dont have to be sick!

Let me know who you go with this idea! :)

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