Sunday 22 December 2013

Is it the end or is it the beginning?

Many children these days grow up with a computer game version... Simply reset the game to the last save point and the main character is not dead anymore! They have no real understanding that when a human or animal is dead, there is no going back! There is no reset button!

I witnessed this in the few days before my cat needed to be put down! It wasn't until after the fact that my daughter actually realised that the cat wasn't coming back!

Reality is cruel sometimes!

For many, death is seen as the end! Once you're in the ground, that's it! Some believe in reincarnation! There are many different beliefs out there!

At my first born daughters funeral, I spoke to someone who believed that death was the end, and he wondered how we could celebrate and be happy and sad at the same time! He couldn't get his head around it!

It is simply this. Because of Jesus, I believe I will see my little girl in heaven! I don't know when, I don't know how, but I believe it and I have peace!

It hurts not having her, but I have peace!

I do not believe that death is the end! I believe death is the beginning! But it only starts with a relationship with Jesus! Simply having heard of Him won't cut it! And a regular attendance in church won't cut it either... Many have said that going to church won't make you a Christian, just like standing in your shed or carport won't make you into a car or motor bike (whichever you prefer)!

Now, God doesn't set the reset button with us, He does, somehow use what we have, and what we've done, for good for those who love Him!

I've had people question me on this! "How can anything good come out of the death of a 2 year old child?"

My answer is this, if it wasn't for my relationship with Jesus, then at that funeral, there would have been two coffins not one! So, the fact that I am still alive is good!
Also, Exaviers death brought about some strange happenings... I actually started to get to know the man she called her daddy (twice). I eventually married him, and we have a wonderful little girl!
My father has his own relationship with Jesus because of her death! He was at the "after party/celebration/funeral" and while we were sad and we all missed her greatly, we could still do crazy stuff and have fun!
Oh, and I started asking God more questions. Questions about Him, questions about me, questions about life in general! While not all of them have been answered, He has answered quite a few others!
For the two years, four months and one day that I had my little princess, I am thankful!

Its been an emotional rollercoaster! And a huge learning curve, but, her death wasn't the end! And it very well could have been!

Yes, life goes on after death. We adjust as best we can! And some of us, because of our relationship with Jesus, and our families relationship with Jesus, can have peace beyond understanding and a strange reassurance that we will see those past before us again!

So, have you "made peace" with your maker? Or are you hoping on a broken wing and a misguided prayer to get you into heaven? A place where only Jesus can get you to!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

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