Thursday 28 March 2013

Easter... Communion

Take. Eat.
This is my body. Broken. Beaten. Scourged. For your health.

The Hebrews were told to look upon the snake on the pole for their healing from the snakes. 
Now, I tell you... Look upon Jesus' bleeding, messed up body for your healing.

Thank you Lord, for all that you did for our health and wholeness. Thank you that you chose to suffer for us. That you took all our aches, pains, hurts, diseases and illnesses into your body, so we could have your health.

Take. Drink.
The cup of the new covenant poured out in the blood of the Son of God.
Divine blood poured out for the remission and forgiveness of sins and for our salvation.

Salvation - the process of being rid of the old poor quality conditions and becoming improved.

Thank you Lord that you shed your blood for our salvation.

Thank you for stepping down out of heaven in order to bring us into a relationship with your father. Thank you for dying on the cross, and giving us your body for our health and your blood for our salvation and your Holy Spirit for our teaching and comfort.

Photo copyrighted to TigerEye Freelance Photography. Used with permission. Please contact photo owner for permission to use the photo. Thank you.

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