Saturday, 18 May 2013

Question! Blessing or Cursing?

Is it our right, privilege or position to curse something?
What I am asking is do we have the right or the authority to curse something?
Say a person has a growth, it's causing pain, discomfort and stress. When we pray, do we have a right to curse the growth, in the hope that it will die? (Without causing the person to die, of course!)
I am wondering this, because we had a sex shop in town open up! The praying people sprang into action, cursing the business, it stayed, got more clients and generally flourished! But when we had a change of perspective and began praying blessings for the couple who owned the business, within a very short time, it was closed!
The blessings that were prayed were that they would be blessed to know God, blessed to know Gods love for them, and blessed to know that their business helps destroys families!
So my question is, if a person has a growth in their body that isn't meant to be there, would it be better to curse that growth or bless it?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

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