Monday, 27 May 2013

Issues and opinions

Over the past however many years I have had a stream of people telling me what issues that they think I have and how they think I should deal with them!

A short time ago, I decided that I would seek God on what issues I have, what needs dealing with and in what order! And so far that has worked!

However, it still hasnt stopped people telling me what they think I am and how I should change!

Recently I set myself to doing only what God tells me to do! (Easier said than done.) Part of doing only what God wants, is humbling myself and seeking His face! I'm not as good at this as I would like to be! However, I seem to be making small amounts of progress!

And still people have their opinions of me! Good for them! Everyone is entitled to their opinions! (I just wish some would keep them to themselves!)

My point is, that no matter what we, I or you do, people are still going to give their opinions (whether true, accurate or whatever) of how they perceive us! What we have to do is come to God and listen to what He says about us! Because that is more important that what any other human will say!

God will highlight to us what areas of us need fixing and how to fix it! And He may choose to use other humans to do this, we still need to be seeking Him for guidance! Our walk with God, and our relationship with God is our responsibility! While God meets us where we are at, He doesn't want us to stay there! If we are unwilling to move and change and be healed, then we will eventually grow barren.

There have been times in my life where I've felt like I've gone barren! The only way to get past that is to willingly (and sometimes forcefully) seek God! It is a choice to seek God!

I've seen the results of people who used to pray and seek God, who, for whatever reason, have stopped seeking God! It's not pretty! Its sad!

If we continue to seek God, He will do amazing things in our lives! He will change us and transform us! The bible says from glory to glory!

What we need to do is decide - will I be like ... who tells me I am this, that and the other and no good, or will I be like Jesus who tells me I am adopted as part of the family, I am loved and I am accepted! Remembering that Jesus wants to change us as much as the next person! But unlike the next person, Jesus has our heart in mind! He created us, He knows what is best for us! And no other created being is going to know that!

So next time someone tells you that you have issues "a, b and c", seek what God has to say! He may just tell you to put those ones on the shelf and deal with "x, y and z"!

It comes down to a choice! Do I want to be like _____ (who is in fact a created being, just like me!) Or do I want to be like Jesus (who created me, knows my heart and has my best in mind)?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

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