Friday, 17 May 2013

Prayer ministry: understanding bitter people

One who is biased and judgmental is unable to accept or even understand the realities of the lives of other humans! They believe that their way is the absolute and only way and everyone should conform to them and their standards! Even if their standards are full of bitterness and hate! Strife and anger follow these people around. And they seem to find it pleasurable to forcefully wrip into others! Simply because their expectations and demands (even the utterly impossible ones) have not been met! These people need to learn how to relinquish control and forgive, not only those around them, but themselves as well! They need deep and on-going prayer ministry! They need to deal with their bitter-root judgments, forgive their parents, relinquish control, and repent of their sins! There is hope for these people! It is called the redeeming blood and life of Jesus Christ! He is the only one who can help them! The rest of us just need to pray for them and try to love them - even if it is with "tough love"! Saying the hard words to them (when lead by the Holy Spirit) will help soften their granite hearts! Pray for people like this! And if necessary (to not get hurt, stomped on or squished) love them from a distance!

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