Wednesday 15 January 2014

God is good - is that just a "good times" statement?

I hear people telling me that God is good! They have a smile on their face and their outlook is cheery!

However, will they still be telling me that God is good when their world has turned to poo?

So, God is good when you have a good job, the car works, the children are behaving themselves and you are generally happy!

But, is God still good when your boss suddenly fires you, when the car just won't start and its gonna cost thousands to have a look at it (and probably thousands more to repair it), the children have driven you insane with their constant nagging and general mis-behaviour!??

In reality, God is always good! And our circumstances should not dictate His good-ness or not-so-good-ness!

"Oh, but my life is hard, you don't know what its like to be in my shoes!" Well, of course, I don't!

Lets take a look at David, King David of the bible, that is!
He did something not-so-good! Had a man murdered so the Kong could have the wife! She has a kid... David is confronted in regards to his sin. He is pardoned, BUT, there is a nasty little side-effect... The child gets sick. David gets on his face and pleads God to spare the child. The child dies! God is still good! What does David do? He cleans himself up, changes his clothes, and goes where? Into the house of God to worship? Why? Because Gods goodness has not changed just because David is mourning the death of his child!

Just an old outdated example you say!

Here's another one that is only maybe 10 years old...

A young woman has a conversation with God, where she asks Him for a child. He grants that request, with a condition. A few weeks later that young woman finds that she is in fact pregnant. Stuff happens, a relationship ends, and the young woman moves to a new country, with the baby and her mother! They live happily! The young woman and her baby move out of the young womans mothers home, into her own... Then, one day the child (now just over two years old) starts teething! This is normal! The young woman doesn't think much of it, until she makes the attempt to get the temperature of the child down - its getting way to close to 40degrees! Then she tries to get the child to stand, the child can not stand! The young woman freaks out, rings a friend, who comes over and rings an ambulance! The child is super sick. Prayer requests go out left right and center to here there and everywhere... The child dies...

What does the young mum do now? While she does not feel that God is good, she does her best to trust His word! He said in the conditions right at the beginning "you won't have this child for long". The young mum, hoes yo church feeling somewhat empty inside, but, she tries to worship God! She talks to Him, she pours her heart out to Him. After the funeral, someone asks the young woman how she is coping. Her response blows them away... "Without God I would be dead. If it wasn't for my relationship with Jesus, there would have been two coffins not one at the funeral!" Why was this the answer? Because somewhere in her heart that mum had the understanding that God is bigger than her circumstances, as painful and gut wrenching as they are, and He has a plan that is bigger than her, and somehow He is still good!

Where is that young mum now? (A little clue - you're reading her blog!)

What I am trying to say is the God is good no matter what our circumstances are! He is bigger than us. He is our creator! Crap happens, God is still good! When you get a hold of that, the crap that happens is easier to handle! The Holy Spirit is not called our comforter for nothing!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

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