Sunday, 23 March 2014

The cycle of bondage

I noticed a lot of things in those days ... as in, when I WAS a witch!

One thing I noticed when I was studying to be a practitioner of kinesiology was the number of people who "go back for repeat healing".

Example - I will call her Lady A!

She was an older woman, around 50-60 years! She had a problem, I don't know what it was, I never asked.
She was a repeat client. Every week she would come in for her dose of healing. Week in week out! She was in bondage for her health!

Example 2 - I will call him Gentleman A!

He too was an older man, a bit older than Lady A. He had arthritis. I asked him one day while he was waiting his turn to see "his healer".
His healing lasted longer than a week. He had monthly visits. He would hobble in like a little old man, then an hour or so later he would skip out like a teenage boy! It was amazing to see.
But exactly a month later he would hobble in like a little old man, pay his money, and an hour or so later skip out like a teenage boy! Month in month out. He was in bondage for his health.

It's amazing what people will go through for good health.

Don't get me wrong - this healing can be genuine. But... It comes at a price! And money is not that price! Freedom is the price. To have to get a treatment every week or month becomes bondage! Holidays have to be scheduled around treatments.

Gentleman A had an issue once - his "healer" got sick. A dose of the flu that had them unable to do anything for a week. Gentleman A had to live with his debilitating pain for a week, because he missed one session.

My point is - the devil can counterfeit anything. Even healing!

Healing is a good thing, so why would the devil want to counterfeit it? Because he likes to keep people in bondage!

It's been my experience that healings through reiki, kinesiology, hypnotherapy, irridology and countless others DON'T last. It's not that the healing is not genuine. The point is bondage. How much are you willing to give up for your health? How much does your health mean to you?

The other thing with this stuff, is it's all occultic. Which means that if you get tangled up in it, well you're tangled up!

Because true health thing is such a big thing to many people,  its easy for traps to be laid! The bondage becomes more than money or time. It becomes bondage for your soul.

One thing that God said to his people was to stay away from the occult.  Not because he wanted to ruin their fun. But because he was concerned for their lives. The movie The Exorcist was based on real events.

In my time as a witch, I was invited to a "play-around-session" some acquaintances had decided to have with a ouija board. I declined their offer! Good thing too! When I saw them, before their experience,  they looked happy, healthy, and generally like normal people. It was a year or so later that I saw them after the experience.  They looked hollow, empty, with big black circles around their eyes, their skin looked pale and thin, not healthy at all. I was told that none of them got much sleep after the ouija board thing! And these people were "experienced in the occult".


Also, for the first year or so, when you get "healed" by reiki or kinesiology or the other ones, your pattern of bondage wont seem like a pattern... Every few months you might need to go back for a "top-up"! But soon, it will get to be more often! For each person the length of time is different! The point is, its not about your healing, its about how much you can be enslaved for your healing.

There are powers behind these "healing" rituals. The humans may seem nice enough, but true powers behind them are far from nice. And their agenda is to enslave you, the person "healing" you and anyone you send their way.


So what is to be done?

Jesus not only offers healing, but He offers it without bondage. He has no strings attached.

By the stripes of Jesus we are healed (go find the verses in your bible). And when Jesus sets us free we are free indeed! (Again - go look it up!)

When Jesus heals you, it lasts. Because He is kind and generous and He doesn't want you in bondage.

Jesus desires to break the cycle of bondage. Why? Because He came to set you free. How good is that!?

When Jesus died on the cross, it was more than just dying on the cross. It was more than Him becoming our sin and sickness. It was Him telling the devil where to go!

Jesus came to break curses, to restore people to His Father, and to restore His Father to the people!

As Aslan says - it's a deeper magic!

When we let go of everything us, and decide to trust everything to Jesus, He has the freedom to do wonderous things in and through us. Not just salvation, healing, forgiveness, and all that. Its a deeper thing. And its so very hard to explain.

Back to Lady A and Gentleman A. How much better would their lives be if they entrusted their health and lives to Jesus? They wouldnt have to rely on human "healers" for their health. They wouldn't be in bondage.

The bondage of time, money, lack of freedom, spiritual crap, curses, pain...  Jesus isn't into that.

Jesus is into restoration and freedom. Its called love and grace and mercy.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall

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