The bitter attitude rubs off...
Take a look at Matthew 7:1-6, the way the message version puts it. A sneer as opposed to a smudge!
I've seen that sneer. On the face of a friend when they are talking about people from their past, people they live with now and Drs. they visit. The look is ugly. And in some cases, downright scary.
But what's worse than the look, is the attitude that goes with it. Its haughty and contemptible. Its an ugly attitude, that sometimes says (out loud) "I don't have to repent of anything, I'm all good, all is well with my soul!" Selfrighteousness.
I for one don't like being in the company of my friend when the haughty, arrogant attitude shows up. Its not a fun place to be. And I feel the distinct need to run, as far away as possible.
The number one way to not go there... Keep a short account with God. Regularly check in with Him. Let Him speak to Your heart. And repent of that resentment before it becomes bitterness.
May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!
Australian Watcher On The Wall
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