Thursday, 27 March 2014

The traditional view point of heaven...

I have been thinking...

Why is the traditional view of heaven a huge bunch of people spending eternity worshipping God?

I think my thoughts are getting dangerous...

I don't want to spend eternity stuck in a room with a bunch of people singing a bunch of songs!

Why was I created to be creative, if that's all I'm going to be doing!?

Why do I have struggles in the here and now if eternity is going to be singing?

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with singing and worshipping God, I just feel the need to get out doors and do something.

I want to see stars getting born, I want to create a tree...

What is the point of a new earth if we are spending eternity in the throne room worshipping God?

The traditional view of heaven is somewhat limiting and boring. It also renders the struggles and lessons of the here and now to be pointless and meaningless.

Why tell me that there will be a new heaven amd a new earth if I am destined to be stuck in a throne room for eternity?

I know that some will believe that I've over stepped the boundaries in asking these questions and making these statements... But my God is big enough to handle even the toughest human questioning!

Back to the tree thing... I want to spend some time with my Father (not my earthly one, cause he cant create trees), learning how to make a tree. And a tree, whilst it is a living thing, is not sentient, so I won't be creating any future trouble!

Eternity spent singing songs seems a waste of the creative potential, not only of us, but of God as well. And it feels like this narrow view of heaven has put, us, heaven and God in a ridiculously small box!

The last "box" God was in, He busted out of tearing the temple curtain in half... Boxes and God don't seem to go so well together! The traditional human box view of heaven is a little too small. At least for me!

Its something to think about.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Matthew 7:1-6 (message version)

The bitter attitude rubs off...
Take a look at Matthew 7:1-6, the way the message version puts it. A sneer as opposed to a smudge!

I've seen that sneer. On the face of a friend when they are talking about people from their past, people they live with now and Drs. they visit. The look is ugly. And in some cases, downright scary.

But what's worse than the look, is the attitude that goes with it. Its haughty and contemptible.  Its an ugly attitude, that sometimes says (out loud) "I don't have to repent of anything, I'm all good, all is well with my soul!" Selfrighteousness.

I for one don't like being in the company of my friend when the haughty,  arrogant attitude shows up. Its not a fun place to be. And I feel the distinct need to run, as far away as possible.

The number one way to not go there... Keep a short account with God. Regularly check in with Him. Let Him speak to Your heart. And repent of that resentment before it becomes bitterness.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall

Sunday, 23 March 2014

The cycle of bondage

I noticed a lot of things in those days ... as in, when I WAS a witch!

One thing I noticed when I was studying to be a practitioner of kinesiology was the number of people who "go back for repeat healing".

Example - I will call her Lady A!

She was an older woman, around 50-60 years! She had a problem, I don't know what it was, I never asked.
She was a repeat client. Every week she would come in for her dose of healing. Week in week out! She was in bondage for her health!

Example 2 - I will call him Gentleman A!

He too was an older man, a bit older than Lady A. He had arthritis. I asked him one day while he was waiting his turn to see "his healer".
His healing lasted longer than a week. He had monthly visits. He would hobble in like a little old man, then an hour or so later he would skip out like a teenage boy! It was amazing to see.
But exactly a month later he would hobble in like a little old man, pay his money, and an hour or so later skip out like a teenage boy! Month in month out. He was in bondage for his health.

It's amazing what people will go through for good health.

Don't get me wrong - this healing can be genuine. But... It comes at a price! And money is not that price! Freedom is the price. To have to get a treatment every week or month becomes bondage! Holidays have to be scheduled around treatments.

Gentleman A had an issue once - his "healer" got sick. A dose of the flu that had them unable to do anything for a week. Gentleman A had to live with his debilitating pain for a week, because he missed one session.

My point is - the devil can counterfeit anything. Even healing!

Healing is a good thing, so why would the devil want to counterfeit it? Because he likes to keep people in bondage!

It's been my experience that healings through reiki, kinesiology, hypnotherapy, irridology and countless others DON'T last. It's not that the healing is not genuine. The point is bondage. How much are you willing to give up for your health? How much does your health mean to you?

The other thing with this stuff, is it's all occultic. Which means that if you get tangled up in it, well you're tangled up!

Because true health thing is such a big thing to many people,  its easy for traps to be laid! The bondage becomes more than money or time. It becomes bondage for your soul.

One thing that God said to his people was to stay away from the occult.  Not because he wanted to ruin their fun. But because he was concerned for their lives. The movie The Exorcist was based on real events.

In my time as a witch, I was invited to a "play-around-session" some acquaintances had decided to have with a ouija board. I declined their offer! Good thing too! When I saw them, before their experience,  they looked happy, healthy, and generally like normal people. It was a year or so later that I saw them after the experience.  They looked hollow, empty, with big black circles around their eyes, their skin looked pale and thin, not healthy at all. I was told that none of them got much sleep after the ouija board thing! And these people were "experienced in the occult".


Also, for the first year or so, when you get "healed" by reiki or kinesiology or the other ones, your pattern of bondage wont seem like a pattern... Every few months you might need to go back for a "top-up"! But soon, it will get to be more often! For each person the length of time is different! The point is, its not about your healing, its about how much you can be enslaved for your healing.

There are powers behind these "healing" rituals. The humans may seem nice enough, but true powers behind them are far from nice. And their agenda is to enslave you, the person "healing" you and anyone you send their way.


So what is to be done?

Jesus not only offers healing, but He offers it without bondage. He has no strings attached.

By the stripes of Jesus we are healed (go find the verses in your bible). And when Jesus sets us free we are free indeed! (Again - go look it up!)

When Jesus heals you, it lasts. Because He is kind and generous and He doesn't want you in bondage.

Jesus desires to break the cycle of bondage. Why? Because He came to set you free. How good is that!?

When Jesus died on the cross, it was more than just dying on the cross. It was more than Him becoming our sin and sickness. It was Him telling the devil where to go!

Jesus came to break curses, to restore people to His Father, and to restore His Father to the people!

As Aslan says - it's a deeper magic!

When we let go of everything us, and decide to trust everything to Jesus, He has the freedom to do wonderous things in and through us. Not just salvation, healing, forgiveness, and all that. Its a deeper thing. And its so very hard to explain.

Back to Lady A and Gentleman A. How much better would their lives be if they entrusted their health and lives to Jesus? They wouldnt have to rely on human "healers" for their health. They wouldn't be in bondage.

The bondage of time, money, lack of freedom, spiritual crap, curses, pain...  Jesus isn't into that.

Jesus is into restoration and freedom. Its called love and grace and mercy.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall

Saturday, 22 March 2014

John 13:34-35

John 13:34–35 – “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Really? Do we really act like that? In all honesty and fairness - I don't think so...

Skip on over to the favourite "social" hang out place for some... Check out the amount of hate crap you see... Hang on a second - that person who put that hate crap up claims to be a disciple of Jesus... well, ya coulda fooled me - oh, I guess you did!

Now, before you go hating me... I'd like to say something...

In my research for starting (and continuing) my business, I read that we have somewhere between 1 and 7 SECONDS to make an impact, a lasting impression!

So when I see this hate stuff, it leaves an impression the impression of - what the hell is the Jesus disciple telling me?

Now, I know that there is theology into backing up why people do this... but in 1-7 SECONDS, I aint gonna hang around long enough to hear it! I don't like what I see, so I move right along as quick as possible... With the question hanging over the head of other person "what is this Jesus disciple doing?" And if I see this stuff enough, I start wondering "is this 'Jesus disciple' really a Jesus disciple?"

Now, don't get me wrong, Jesus didn't sit back and take crap! He made for himself a whip, tossed tables and got angry.  He shared some very strong words with some very religious people. Brood of vipers - comes to mind!

But all the time He was what? FRIEND OF SINNERS!

So, that person in the street who is homosexual - Jesus is His friend - but he doesn't believe that! Why? Because the "Jesus disciples" have gotten him mixed up with his sin!

Oops... instead of inviting him to dinner and feeding him till he is stuffed, then being generous and offering more, and talking about the weather, and "my what a lovely pair of shoes", and asking him if there is anything we can do for him...

We tell him how much of a screwed up, warped, twisted, disgusting, stench ridden sinner he is!

What is his lasting impression? "Those moronic christians hate me, why would I want anything to do with their god? They don't give a rats ass about what happens to me, they just tell me what deep down I already know, but don't want to admit! They don't care that inside me is a lot of pain. To them, and their god, I'm a waste of space, a stupid, useless sinner, not worth their time or effort."

I know, when I was having issues I had a well meaning christian (whom I called worse things than a moron) telling me that if I just got my life right with Jesus everything would be good! God would help me with my problems!

While it's true that God did and is helping me, the message was patronising at best and at worst - I was wondering if there was a form of death worse than crusifixion and how I would get away with it!

While this christian was trying their hardest to show me love and support, a knife in the back would have been more supporting! Seriously.

We need to think about our behaviour in life as though we are running an advertisement.  We have 1 -7 SECONDS to get our message across, and we need to make sure we are sending the right one... And while the one we are sending might be the truth, and the world might need to hear it...

I'm going to pick on all the anti-mosque/anti-muslim crap...

But before I get there - what is the difference between a nazi preaching anti-Jew stuff and a "christian" preaching anti-muslim stuff??? NOTHING!!!

We are ALL made in the image of Jehova! Christ came to die for ALL humans, nazi, mulsim, Jew, white, black, brown pink and purple (just trying to make sure I havent missed anybody out)!

Now, back to all the anti-mosque/anti-muslim crap...

While it might be the truth that the extreme ones behead people and blow themselves and other to pieces and what not... What did the "christians" do at the time of the crusades??? The tainted christian tag is no better than the muslim tag! And posting this shit at our favourite "social" hangout place is no better than the crusades!

Its not showing any love that I know of...

Here's an idea... instead of posting crap - maybe we should pray for them. From what I understand, Gods favourite thing to do is to show up in their dreams! How about we pray that God continues to show up in their (and our) dreams!

If I wanted to know that another muslim has killed themselves and untold numbers of others with a bomb - I'd watch the news! But the news is depressing and sick! ...

Go back to the 1-7 SECONDS of impression - the first impression is often the strongest and longest lasting...

Oh, and one more thing... whatever is pure, noble, worthy, of good character - dwell on these things and let no detestable thing come before your eyes! In other words - live with your eyes focused firmly on Jesus!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall


The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds in our minds. But the weapons of Satan are carnal, mighty in our flesh for the erecting of strongholds in our minds-and we're the ones arming him. Jesus "disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them" (Col. 2:15). Many who oppose spiritual warfare practices point to that Scripture and say we don't have to fight because the devil is already defeated. Yes, the devil is already defeated, but Paul nevertheless told Timothy to "fight the good fight of faith" (1 Tim. 6:12) and told the Ephesians we "wrestle against ... principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of the age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12).

If Jesus disarmed principalities and powers, why are we still wrestling them? We still wrestle, in part, because we are arming the enemy with the words of our mouth, handing him our God-given authority to use against us. Satan has no authority over us unless we give it to him, just like the serpent had no authority in the garden until Adam gave it to him.

As I was meditating on 2 Corinthians 10:4, I got a revelation about our words as weapons. This is not a positive confession revelation, although I believe in confessing what the Word of God says rather than confessing negative thoughts and feelings-and that's totally scriptural. No, this is not a new twist on a good confession. This is a spiritual warfare strategy that will send the devil fleeing as we submit our words to God and resist the temptation to allow our mouths to issue weapons Satan uses against us.

When discussing the whole armour of God, Paul instructs us to take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Eph. 6:17). When we speak the Word of God out of our mouths, it serves as a weapon that cuts through every evil plot of the enemy. No devil in hell can come against the Word of God because it's not carnal but mighty-supernatural-in God.

When we find ourselves in the midst of the battle, though, we too often make one of these three common mistakes: (1) We fail to wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God; (2) we speak the enemy's fearful lies out of our mouths; or (3) we are double-minded, speaking the Word of God one moment and the enemy's fear-laced lies the next. The only sure way to enforce Jesus' victory in our lives is to consistently wield the sword of the Spirit.

Let's look at each option and how it works. First, when we wield the sword of the Spirit ,we are packing a powerful weapon. The writer of Hebrews says, "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart" (Heb. 4:12).

The sword of the Spirit is sharper than any natural sword. It has supernatural power, but we have to speak out the living power it contains with our tongues. Inspired by the life-giving Holy Spirit, the wisest man on the earth once wrote, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Prov.18:21).

Our words are weapons. When we speak God's Word out of our mouth, it casts out death and opens the door to life in our situations. When we make the mistake of speaking the enemy's fearful lies out of our mouth-which may sound like worry, doubt, unbelief or something other than the pure truth-we are allowing the enemy to use our own words as weapons against us.

Again, the devil's weapons are carnal in the sense that he works through our carnal nature to oppress us by successfully tempting us to speak death with our powerful tongues. We essentially arm the enemy with weapons of death and give him some ammunition to oppress us when we speak words that are out of alignment with God's truth.

When we are double-minded, speaking the Word of God one moment and the enemy's fearful lies the next, we allow the enemy to take ground in our lives. Have you ever felt like you were taking one step forward and two steps back? This is often the result of double-mindedness. We speak life out of our mouths, penetrating the enemy's plans with the sword of the Spirit in the morning, but as soon as we see a circumstance that doesn't go our way, we once again arm the enemy with carnal weapons through our words.

The Bible says a double-minded man is unstable in all his ways (James 1:8). If you are feeling unstable, like the enemy is tossing you around a wrestling ring and about to capture you in a figure 4, it may be because you are not speaking words of faith and life-you may be arming the enemy with words of fear, doubt, unbelief and death.

Here's the revelation in summary: Your words are weapons in spiritual warfare. When you speak the Word of God, you are wielding a sword that will cut the enemy's evil plans to bits. It may take more than one swing, but if you keep swinging your supernatural sword, you will see natural results. When you speak out words based on thoughts and fears the enemy sows in your soul, you are essentially arming the enemy with carnal words that breed death. You give life to what you speak. Will you give life to God's plan or to the enemy's plan? It's up to you.

Source: by Jennifer LeClaire, news editor of Charisma Magazine

This is what I have been struggling with in one particular area... An area that until now, God has been rather silent about - despite my pleadings... Maybe things might change now!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall