Saturday, 10 August 2013

All things work together, for GOOD, for those who TRUST God!

I've just recently had a back molar pulled out! It was yesterday! So of course, I'm still, very much, feeling the effects of it! However, its not all bad!

Yeah there's pain, bleeding, a little swelling, the lack of appetite yet an almost extreme hunger and all the messiness of pain killers! BUT - this is a result of a prayer prayed!

You see, I have a friend. Her health was starting to go dramatically down hill. Someone suggested to her to have her amalgam fillings removed and replaced with something else. After doing that, her health started to improve! Now, this happened years ago and, as a teenager, I didn't give it much thought after that!

But recently I decided to take a little looky into amalgam... While I'm not clued up as to what exactly that silvery black stuff is - I know at least part (or if no, all) of it is mercury!

Now mercury is a poison, so why does a huge percent of the population act like walking talking mercury storage devices? Maybe someone else can answer that question!

Anyway, back to this answered prayer business! I asked God if there was a way of safe mercury removal... That was in my particular budget!

The other day I broke my second tooth this year... This tooth had the largest amount of mercury I had stored in my mouth! And what was worse than a broken tooth? A broken tooth that was very sensitive due to the filling being squished against the nerve!

My answer to my prayer came as a most inconvenient broken tooth! Because the dentists (of which I had two) couldn't be certain that an additional filling would stay put! And the timing was rather bad...

I went to the dentist in a small amount of pain (a big amount of pain for me is full-on labour), but pain none the less! I wanted the tooth pulled... My reasons where the most annoying filling, and the filling, or more accurately what the thing was made of!

When the dentists were discussing the idea of a second filling for it, my prayer went into overdrive. I didn't wish to keep that poison in my system! When they decided it needed to be out, I was so nervous I wanted to throw up, but I was happy and somewhat relieved!

When I went for my early morning appointment, I was praying! The hassles that was had with my first ever extraction was shocking. I did not want a repeat performance from my stubborn teeth! So I prayed that it would come out quickly and with relative ease! Which it did! There was no need to cut it to pieces! There was no need to have 5 lots of pain killing stuff like last time! And there was no need for either dentist to swing on my tooth like a monkey in order to attempt to loosen it! For a stubborn tooth, it behaved itself, which is exactly what I asked God to make it do!!

I trusted God to see to the removal of 95% (or there abouts) of the mercury in my mouth, and He caused it to happen with relative ease! And, the mercury wasn't disturbed in any way! Which was even better!

God looks after those who trust Him. Yes, I wanted to keep my tooth, but without money and a miracle, that was not possible! And the way I see it! I have gained not lost! I will have far less risk of mercury induced illnesses. And because I believe that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit - I need to look after it! So, if getting rid of a tooth with the potential to cause harm is what is needed, then so be it! Besides, God could give me a replacement tooth if He wanted to! After all - He created the universe and everything in it! (including me!)

So, here's to the God who answers prayer - The Almighty  Lord! :)

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

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