Monday, 8 July 2013

Some thoughts and questions!

When you dis-believe that there is evil in the form of the devil - there, you enter into some problems.

The bible says that God doesn't tempt us, yet we are tempted! Is it really possible that all our temptations are from our flesh?

I've heard christians say that there is no devil - then who is it that features in Revelation??

I've also heard christians say to stop looking for "him" under every bush! While I doubt that the devil is the main cause of ALL our problems, I do believe that he has a small part to play in some of our problems!

If there is no devil - where did sin come from?

If the devil is completely useless and powerless, then why do we have to submit ourselves to God and RESIST the devil? If he is as powerless as some would have us believe - shouldn't we simply just be able to push him over??

I'm also certain that some reading this will tell me that I've attributed too much "glory" to the devil!

Why is it that among some circles of christians the subject of the devil is lumped in the same category as sex and death - taboo! (oops! did I just say that??? ;) )

By the way, I would love to know your thoughts! Simply leave them in the comment section below! Remember - I do moderate them!

Do we even believe in the devil anymore? I know satanists still do! (that is not as extreme as you might think!)

There's a song I know, written from the devils perspective. It says that he can do anything he likes because no-one believes in him anymore! And apparently it is getting easier to do this "anything I like" because we've closed our eyes, turned a blind eye or simply chosen to ignore! We pretend that horoscopes are fun and harmless! We pretend that halloween is a night for fun and games. We are happy to have our palms and eyes read through palm reading and iridology! We are more than happy to participate in reiki massage and reflexology and kinesiology! We believe that it is all harmless fun that causes no problems and open no doors! But that is a very, very foolish and stupid belief! These things open us up to the very real world of the devil! These are all pathways into the occult! (there are 100s more ways that I could list - like accupunture, accupressure, numerology, charkra healing, crystal (precious/semi-precious stone) healing, weja boards, and a pile of things I can't spell!)
Let me just say one more thing on this - the mess you end up in when you have "dabbled" in this stuff is not pretty! You will need to repent and renounce all involvement in the occult and witchcraft!

Do we believe in the existence of the devil? I do hope so! Does he have all the power? Nope! Not by a long shot! If he did, we would be calling him Lord instead of Jesus! And the devil doesn't care for us like Jesus does! Who was the one to died for us and then three days later rose again for us?!! Who was the one who created is in His image?

While the devil has very real power, greater is He who is in us that he who is in the world!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.


Beth (aka your sister-in-law!) :) said...

I agree, Trish. I believe the devil is real, and certainly tries to do his work in the world wherever/however he can.
I guess I kind of see it that the ultimate battle has been won - Jesus died, conquered sin and death, and we are saved and redeemed when we accept Him as saviour. God and Jesus have won the battle. However, the devil has not been vanquished yet - he is still able to wander the earth and do his mischief (and if at all possible, stop the things of God happening both at a personal level, and global level).

In the past year or so, God has been leading me into intercession. It was not something I was expecting, but am excited to be learning where God wants me to be. Ephesians 6:12 is always in the back of my mind - God tells us we are fighting a battle (and this book was written after the death of Jesus - God is telling us there was battles still ahead.) And Jesus tells us that the thief (satan) comes to kill, steal and destroy (and alternaltively God is life and health in abundance)... if the battle is fully over, then why are the fruits of the devil seen all around us?
I had the privilege of speaking to another intercessor, a lovely lady who has been interceding for many years. She told me to always put on the armour of God every morning, to make it a conscious choice to do this before I did anything. As I was reading your post, I wondered why God would tell us to put on His armour. People only put armour on to fight. I have heard people say that Ephesians 6 is talking about the end times, but I think it refers to now as well(but that is just my opinion).
A few months ago, Christian lady (also a single mum to a young daughter) was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer. . People started praying for her and binding up (with the authority that Jesus gave us) the works of the devil in her life, asking for God's protection around her and her daughter. Etc. When they went in to do the surgery to remove the cancer, it was different to what the initial tests showed. There was a single, small BENIGN tumor there, not the malignant, spreading tumour they thought they would find.
I am sure the doctors would have some explanation. I believe that the Christians praying on her behalf were able to prevent satan from completing his works. If he had been able to kill her, he would have achieved a lot. As a Christian, she will lead others to the Lord in the future. She may do other wonderful things of God in her lifetime that we don't know about yet. She will teach her daughter about Christ, and her daughter will go on to follow the Lord and do His will (hopefully!). Her death would have emotionally and mentally scarred her little girl, who would be left motherless. The devil would have succeeded in killing, stealing and destroying. Her eternal life with Jesus was always assured - Jesus had already won her eternal freedom and life in Him the moment she gave her life to Him. But there was a battle to keep her able to do the things God wants her to do now.
Our Lord has won the battle, He did so 2000 years ago. But I believe that satan will still cause skirmishes if he can, until Jesus comes again.
I know I am 'preaching to the choir', so to speak. I guess I just wanted to say (but not quite as briefly as it might have been) that I agree with you, and this very matter has been going around in my mind recently too. Lots of love to you xx

Unknown said...

Awesome! Keep up the good work! And stand strong! (It feels good to know that I'm not the only one! Not that I ever was, but it feels like that sometimes!)

Thanks for the encouragement! :)