Saturday, 27 April 2013

One thing forgiveness can not do!

There is one thing that forgiveness can not do! It can not change the flavour or texture of pumpkin!
Let me explain!
A few nights ago, we were invited out to dinner! The menu had pumpkin soup - not my most preferred soup! To be honest - I detest pumpkins!
I was brave - I ate some of the soup! Its called being polite to your hosts! While I can not say I enjoyed the soup, the rest of dinner was great!
Whilst there my mother happened to mention that as a child I ate pumpkin! Fair point - I did! But - I didn't want to! I was, however, motivated to eat my pumpkin.
You see, I had this step father, and he had this thing that he seemed to enjoy doing - and that was hitting and hurting people! Especially people that were not related to him and people that were smaller and younger than him! He was my motivation to eat something I hated! It was easier and far less painful to eat a piece of feral pumpkin that to have this guy try to slap your face to the other side of the world (without the rest of your body coming along for the ride).
Now, while I have forgiven him for everything that I can think of, that the Holy Spirit has stirred up and anything thing else (just in case I missed something), forgiveness, firstly, does not take away the memories of a fist, fork, or whatever else coming your way, nor does it change the flavour and texture of pumpkin! Whether that pumpkin be in a soup, mashed with potato, boiled on its own, or roasted! It still looks, tastes and feels as feral as it did when I was a child!
Please, don't use that lame comment, "God made pumpkin too!" It doesn't exactly work on me!
My point is... If you know a person who just won't do something, even though it could be the best thing that they ever did, just ask them why! You may be shocked by their answer! Abuse victims often have things that they just won't do because of something that happened to them! And like me, they can forgive their aggressor, but forgiveness won't change the memories attached to certain actions, places, food or anything else! That is between them and God! And just because they did something as a child under the influence of an aggressor, doesn't mean that they will willingly do it as a free adult!

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