Sunday, 29 December 2013

Prayer - when was the last time you shut up and listened???

When Jesus taught the disciples how to pray, it didn't include a bucket load of tears, nor was it long-winded or rambling on just to fill the air, nor did it sound mournful or unintelligible!

5 "Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to you, they have their reward. 6 But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you. 7 When you pray, do not babble repetitiously like the Gentiles, because they think that by their many words they will be heard. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. 9 So pray this way: Our Father in heaven, may your name be honored, 10 may your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 11 Give us today our daily bread, 12 and forgive us our debts, as we ourselves have forgiven our debtors. 13 And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. 14 "For if you forgive others their sins, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you your sins.
Matt 6:5-15

What point is there in contriving fake emotions? Jesus Himself said that our Father knows what we need before we ask Him! So why do we need to pray in some fancy learned manner? Get to the point! Say what's on your mind, say what's in your heart! Be honest - Gods big enough - He can handle it! There is no need to fake it! There's no need to put on an act to keep others happy! Your meant to pray, not please humans!

And when you don't know what to pray - shut up and listen! The Holy Spirit is always speaking to us! Or trying to! When was the last time you shut up and listened to Him!??

Praying what God puts on your heart or in your head is far better and more effective than any prayer you could ever come up with on your own!

Person "a" has severe and life threatening health issues!

You can either jump right in and pray for healing! Proclaiming health and healing in the name of Jesus until you are blue in the face and half passed out from effort and exertion! And the result is that person "a" still has severe and life threatening health issues!

Or... You could apply a little common sense and shut up! Then, once you have successfully shut up, you can then turn your ears towards God and listen carefully to what He has to tell you! He could be telling you that person "a" has severe unforgiveness and bitterness, due to being abuses as a child. Person "a" thus needs to forgive the perpetrator of the crime, and receive healing for the damage  done ... and maybe, just maybe, there is a possibility, that when person "a" does this, their physical health issues will be healed, because unforgiveness and bitterness tend to (but not always) show up in the human body and physical symptoms!

In this case, jumping in and asking for physical healing is simply fastening a band aid over the wound! And when you have a festering wound, it is best to clean out the crap - that being the unforgiveness and bitterness!

So, when was the last time you shut up and listened to God?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Is it the end or is it the beginning?

Many children these days grow up with a computer game version... Simply reset the game to the last save point and the main character is not dead anymore! They have no real understanding that when a human or animal is dead, there is no going back! There is no reset button!

I witnessed this in the few days before my cat needed to be put down! It wasn't until after the fact that my daughter actually realised that the cat wasn't coming back!

Reality is cruel sometimes!

For many, death is seen as the end! Once you're in the ground, that's it! Some believe in reincarnation! There are many different beliefs out there!

At my first born daughters funeral, I spoke to someone who believed that death was the end, and he wondered how we could celebrate and be happy and sad at the same time! He couldn't get his head around it!

It is simply this. Because of Jesus, I believe I will see my little girl in heaven! I don't know when, I don't know how, but I believe it and I have peace!

It hurts not having her, but I have peace!

I do not believe that death is the end! I believe death is the beginning! But it only starts with a relationship with Jesus! Simply having heard of Him won't cut it! And a regular attendance in church won't cut it either... Many have said that going to church won't make you a Christian, just like standing in your shed or carport won't make you into a car or motor bike (whichever you prefer)!

Now, God doesn't set the reset button with us, He does, somehow use what we have, and what we've done, for good for those who love Him!

I've had people question me on this! "How can anything good come out of the death of a 2 year old child?"

My answer is this, if it wasn't for my relationship with Jesus, then at that funeral, there would have been two coffins not one! So, the fact that I am still alive is good!
Also, Exaviers death brought about some strange happenings... I actually started to get to know the man she called her daddy (twice). I eventually married him, and we have a wonderful little girl!
My father has his own relationship with Jesus because of her death! He was at the "after party/celebration/funeral" and while we were sad and we all missed her greatly, we could still do crazy stuff and have fun!
Oh, and I started asking God more questions. Questions about Him, questions about me, questions about life in general! While not all of them have been answered, He has answered quite a few others!
For the two years, four months and one day that I had my little princess, I am thankful!

Its been an emotional rollercoaster! And a huge learning curve, but, her death wasn't the end! And it very well could have been!

Yes, life goes on after death. We adjust as best we can! And some of us, because of our relationship with Jesus, and our families relationship with Jesus, can have peace beyond understanding and a strange reassurance that we will see those past before us again!

So, have you "made peace" with your maker? Or are you hoping on a broken wing and a misguided prayer to get you into heaven? A place where only Jesus can get you to!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Do not be deceived

My husband and I watched a comedy movie last night! It was about how the world was going to end!

Based on the Mayan calendar, the world was going to end!

The reason that I call this movie a comedy is because its not based on reality! An airplane simply can not out fly an erupting super volcano! But aside from that!

This movie was about lots of little gods trying to survive in a world they couldn't control, yet they obviously had some power to pull off "miracles"!

Putting the movie aside... I do actually have a point!

Firstly, there is a lot of "end of the world" hype! And some are deceived into believing it and the Mayans have obviously gotten it wrong!

Even Jesus doesn't know when its going to happen! How could the Mayans know? Or are they closer to God than even his own son?

How much end time rubbish is out there? How many authors write about it? And how many people actually know what exactly is going to happen and when? I don't think anyone really knows! And you know what else I think?! I think it doesn't matter!

We know that at some point in time God is going to do His thing and the world as we currently know it will end! What happens after that - we have a guide from John, being Revelation! But, I have heard many sermons on this book! Some match up with each other, some couldn't be more weird! I'm no scholar, so I don't know who is right or who is wrong and who is just plane up the pole!

But, even then, with all the preaching and teaching, I think we've missed the point! The churches in Revelation have letters written to them... What they did wrong is listed, and what they did right! It is a guide for how to live!

The point of it is relationship! The general list of do and do not, is a guide to keep us on the right track! The point is Jesus. The point is relationship! Put the two together and the point is relationship WITH Jesus!

If we cling to Him, we will come through whatever is in store for us, good or bad!

Only the Father knows when the "shit will hit the fan"! And Jesus and the Holy Spirit will get us through it!

I don't need a shelf full of end times books to know that!

Jesus said to not be deceived, for many will come! There have been many who come claiming they know the date and time, and many others have come claiming to be Jesus! Yet Jesus said, do not be deceived! Many have written books, they line up with scripture with some fanciful imaginings thrown in! Some of these go amazingly deeply into scripture, and there are people who hold onto these as legitimate teachings of Revelation, they're books, written by humans with a humans understanding of Gods word, and thus should not be relied on! We don't know when or how! We have a guide! God knows the details! Can't we just trust Him, put aside end times crap and get on with doing what the Father planned for us to do?? God has it all in hand! He knows the story from beginning to end, and all the details in the middle! We just have to trust Him!

And, if we cling to Jesus, we can't go wrong!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Give thanks

Isn't to be thankful, the point? To shut up the grumbling about what we don't have, what we lost, or what someone has taken from us, and just be thankful! "For I have learned to be content in ALL things."! While we might not like our circumstance or situation - we can still be thankful!

Thankful that the planet has atmosphere that we can live! Thankful that the sun is always shining even if we can't see it! Thankful that God has given us salvation! Thankful that Gods hand is holding us and He is sustaining us even though the world is turning to shit! Thankful for a slow computer that does what it is supposed to do and has a bonus "teach my owner to relax and practice patients!"!!

We have so much to be thankful for. Change your perspective! Open your eyes!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Of those who refuse to listen

A message from the Lord (please do not shoot, tar or feather the messenger!)

Of those who refuse to listen to Me, let them go! Give them enough rope and time and they will hang themselves! Then they will either turn from Me or turn to Me.

Those you know who give humanistic teachings, saying that your prayers should start in the heart of flesh have it wrong. Your prayers should start in the throne room, where you should be watching and listening to see and hear what I say and do, just as I watched and listened to what My Father said and did!

You are to follow the leading and teaching of My Holy Spirit.

As for these who refuse to listen to Me, they have become like festy pools of stagnant poison. They will feel jealousy when they see others around them performing miracles in My name. And once they come to the end of themselves, after being jealous, and some having tried the dark arts to do the same miracles, they will turn to Me. Then and only then will I be able to use them! Once they have decided to let go of religion and false beliefs, idolatry and false doctrine, I can use them! Once they have fallen off the cliff called self, or hung themselves with the rope called self, then I can use them.

Until then, all You can do is pray that their eyes be opened to Me, that their hardened hearts be softened by Me, that their ears be open to hear Me, and that their understanding will be enlightened by Me.

Praying these blessings for any and all who refuse to listen to Me, will not make the path you walk any easier! You will still get ridiculed, despised and in some cases, hated, for listening to Me. Keep walking. Keep seeking My face. I will lead you on paths of righteousness, I will lead you beside quiet waters, I will lead you.

Daily seek My presence. I will instruct you. Ask for wisdom and discernment.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Thursday, 28 November 2013

Worship in spite of...

To say that I have been somewhat emotional for the last 2-3 weeks is an understatement. There's been a lot happening (of which I won't get into here).

My point is that in spite of the crap, we need to choose to worship! No matter how we feel inside!

Choosing to do this is no easy feat! In the old testament we read that David spent 7 days on his face praying for his son. His son still died. Then we read that David got up, washed himself, changed his clothes and went into the house of the Lord and worshipped! Its an easy thing to read. But its not so easy to do! I know this from personal experience.

Its a matter of being intensional! Choosing to do it in spite of...

Right now, for me, with everything that has been happening - worshipping is the last thing I feel like doing! Especially because 90% of the time I end up in tears. But, I still try! Why? Because it is a sacrifice. It is me, putting aside all the crap, pain and other stuff, and saying to God, "here I am, in spite of all this, I am still trying to come to You!"

So, next time you go through a crap time, or emotional, painful time, try and step into Gods presence and see what happens!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Thought for the day

I feel a rising expectancy that something big is headed our way. And we either need to prepare for it or get out of its way. Because its not going to stop for us! It will either bring us into it, or we will drown!
We need to loose our stubborn grip on the life we know. We need to stop walking in mans doctrine and our pointless religious ways. We need to learn to relax and go with the flow! The flow of the Holy Spirit, that is! Or, we move over and let God through!
This, whatever it is, is happening whether we want it or not. Whether we are prepared or not. Its like a run away freight train! No brakes. God is at the wheel!

You either are or you aren't! The fence is made of razor wire - do you really want to park your ass on it?

As for me and my house - we will serve the Lord. What will you do?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Monday, 25 November 2013

Do unto others... repay evil... bless not curse...

Just because the bible says that we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us, doesn't mean that we should behave like ignorant petty people...

If someone decides today that they see fit to send "negative prayers" or "negative blessings" our way, doesn't mean we should send them back, packaged in pretty boxes with delicate ribbons, labelled as blessings! Even if they were sent with the intension of being a blessing!

Matthew 7: In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you, for this fulfils the law and the prophets.

Doing to others as we want done to us, means just that! If they throw mud, does not mean that we should throw it back! If we dont want mud thrown at us, then we should try to be polite and kind to them.

1 Peter 3: 9 Do not return evil for evil or insult for insult, but instead bless others because you were called to inherit a blessing. 10 For the one who wants to love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from uttering deceit. 11 And he must turn away from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it.

We are meant to bless, not curse. We are meant to pray for our enemies!

Here's something to get your head around: if your enemy sets up a sex shop in the main street of your town - what do you do?
You have several options:
1. Lobby the council to get rid of it - doubt they would, unless they are christians - and if they are christians - why was it allowed in the first place?
2. Spend hours a day praying for the business to financially fail and thus cause the closure of the business (this in effect is praying a negative prayer, which is actually placing a financial curse on the business or business owners - and we are meant to BLESS not curse!)
3. We could look ass backwards to everyone else, and ask God for blessings for the business and its owners!
4. We could sit on a bums and do nothing and sit by and watch as countless marriages and families are ruined!

Personally, I'll take option number 3, thanks!

I chose the scenario of a sex shop opening in town, because that is what happened in my town! Some lobbied the council - that fell on deaf ears! The world in general sees nothing wrong with a sex shop - why would they want it closed?
Others prayed that God would close it and "teach the owners a lesson". That failed too! God is into loving people, and He wants us to show that love! Being harsh and mean and demanding that their livelyhood goes to rack and ruin isn't the greatest way of showing Gods love!
We finally tried Gods way - asking Him to bless them! And not just fluffy little blessings, like a new pair of pink fluffy slippers, but deep and meaningful blessings. That the owners of the business would be blessed with the revelation and understanding of how much God loves them. That they would be blessed with business knowledge, to become successful business owners. To be blessed with enough income to put food of the table, pay their mortgage and other bills. And finally to be blessed with a long, strong and lasting marriage.

Soon after those kinds of prayers were prayed for the owners of the sex shop, it closed! Get my point!

If we CHOOSE to pray blessings for our enemies, then step aside and let God deal with their hearts, miracles happen. God suddenly has something He can work with!

He is busting to love on people - even our enemies!

Matthew 5: 43 "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbour' and 'hate your enemy.' 44 But I say to you, love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be like your Father in heaven, since he causes the sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

Sending curses packaged up in pretty boxes, is simply a nice pretty way to be disobedient to God!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Sunday, 24 November 2013


Don't ya hate it when things come back to haunt you? When things you think long dead and past start walking around in your head as if they happened yesterday!
Life has a way of resurrecting dead crap!

On the 19 of November, just a few days ago, we had, although we didn't realise it, due to being so busy, the 6th anniversary or birthday of Abiah. Then the following day Razzy needed to be put down. All that with the sorting and processing of about 2000 wedding photos.

Stress and emotions do not mix! At least, not very well!

My point in this is Jesus.
Without Him, the emotional turmoil alone would have had me spiralling out of control.

Who would have guessed that when God says He will not give so much that we can not bear it, it would be true? Who would have guessed that when lifes storms roll in, Jesus is there to calm us!

What He did, was more than die for salvation and removal of sin and sickness.

What he did was for relationship. He holds us in the storm, when everything feels like its turned to crap, He is there.

After Razin died, one thing I said was "Oh death, where is your sting? Through the turmoil, I have peace!" Why? Not because I was suddenly fine. But because of God!

I handed my sick little kitty into His care. I handed my unborn child into His care. And He said, "thank you, I can handle this, you go over there, sit down, ball your eyes out for a while. We've gotten you through these painful times before. Remember? You didn't just survive Exavier. You lived and you grew. Growing time is upon you. Learn to trust Me. You're allowed to cry. Its not just a six year old memory of a child you never got to meet. Its not just a cat. These are lifes storms. Even the walking undead stuff that comes up occasionally! Together, we will get you through this.
This is why I did what I did. Not just for your sins. Not just for your health. For your relationship.
You love your children. You love your cat. And all that pales in comparison to what I have for you."

Life comes out of death.

Eat, drink and count your blessings.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Need and want. For and with.

There is a distinct difference between need and want!

For example: I want a new car! I dont need a new car, because the car I have gets me from A to B and back again! It won't go everywhere I want it to, like 4wd tracks and out bush... But it works, and so far has proven to be reliable! Thus I dont need a new car, I just happen to want one! A bigger one with 4wd capability!

Here's something that some might find shocking... God doesn't need us!

I'm going to say that again! God doesn't need us!

Instead - God wants us!

This is shown in the very fact that when Adam and Eve did their thing in the garden, God let the live! He didn't wipe out their very existence and start over. He went searching for them, He had a plan, not only for them, but for us!

He wanted us, and He still wants us!

Here's something else - God is not for us!

So, He neither needs us nor is for us! What are we to do then? Well, in all honesty, we can't really do anything!

If we try getting to him through our own self-righteousness, we fail. Because that is like dirty rags to God! (Some have said, and I'm no theologian, so I don't know for sure, that when it says dirty rags, it means the menstrual rags of a woman - and that's almost vomit worthy to me, and I'm not God!)

So, self-righteousness won't cut it!

How do we get to God then? Because being good is essentially self-righteousness!

The Holy Spirit woos us. Because Jesus did something totally shocking. God allowed it! And it was the only way for us to get to heaven! The Father wants us to come to Him, by way of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus!

So, if you want to get to heaven, you better go find Jesus! He can help you!

And by the way - when God wants something, He won't stop persuing it until He gets it! So if you are wanted by God, you're in good company! And He is gentle!

Yes, He did everything in the old testament. Yes, He is essentially a warlord. Its called passion in the extreme, as only God can do it! He is a jealous God. And He can get rather angry! However, going by personal experience, if He is wooing, then He is so very gentle, and will turn up in the least expected of places!

For me, it was my lounge room! Dark, and full of demons, the stench of hell was rather thick, yet God turned up! In the midst of my filth, crap and sin, God stepped in. His words to me when I asked why are you here - BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!
Now that's called wooing! Id had all kinds of humans telling me that God loved me! I didn't believe them, and I even refused to speak to some of them! So, God decided on a personal visit! He didn't need to! He WANTED to! Did He like what I was doing? Not a bit! Did He like me? You bet! He liked me so much that He went on the hunt, as I ran and tried to Hide from Him, He hunted me! He did not relent one single bit (for which I am most happy)! He was gentle, and kind! Which was what I needed but didn't want!

If He for me? No! Is He with me? Yes!

For and with are like need and want!

I need to want Him, I need to be for Him! Because He wants me and He is with me!

How about you?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Keep the connection all week, not just for Sunday

Your relationship with God is your connection with God! Life can get in the way and try to sever that connection! You need yo "fight" to maintain that connection! Doing things like deliberately setting aside time to read the bible and pray, or pitting on worship music during the day! These will help to maintain that connection!

To have a healthy relationship with someone we need to work at it! We need communication, not just one sided, but both parties speaking and listening! God is a good listener, we also need to let Him speak to us! Which means that we need to spend some time with Him where our mouths are shut and we are listening! (Be still and know.)

Just as you need to spend time with your friend or spouse or child, to get to know them, you need to spend time with God to get to know Him! Sundays are great... But do you only spend one day a week with your husband or wife? No, you spend everyday with them! Its the same with God! He desires to spend time with us!

And dont think that to do that, you need to get up at 4am and pray for three hours! If you're not a morning person, then it won't work. I'd suggest that you find time somewhere else! You need to be smart in how you do it! I take a minute here and a minute there throughout my day to spend time with God. And I'm talking to Him about whatever I am doing, seeing or feeling! Spending time with God is a personal thing, between you and Him! And just because some preacher says that they read 10 chapters of the bible a day, doesn't mean you can! You need to be flexible and try things... Try something for a couple of weeks, then evaluate it! Dud you grow in your relationship? Did you feel any connection? And remember, there will be times when it is a struggle, those times are an investment. You reap what you sow. So if you sow time with God now, when its hard, you'll reap His presence in a deeper way later! And as a by-product, you'll have grown in your maturity and understanding, not only of yourself, but also of God!

So, go forth and grow! :) Enjoy you time with God!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Sunday, 27 October 2013

He won't relent until He has it all - is your heart His?

Our selfishness is the old self. Its what says "I can do it on my own", and refuses to allow God in. Since you have been raised to new life, think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. In other words - chuck away the selfishness and excuses.

Once you are a christian - Christ is your life. If Christ is your life, strip off the old sinful nature. You've heard of the terms "sold out for Jesus" and "laid down life", these are simply describing the fact that Christ is your life and you live like you believe it! Its where you take every opportunity to pray unceasingly and worship your Creator.

For love is as strong as death and jealousy as demanding as the grave. We were not told to have no other Gods for the fun of it. God (Elohim) is a jealous God. And it is easy to have no other gods... Its called spending every opportunity (and making time/opportunities) in Gods presence! You can not practice idolatry if you are wholeheartedly and willingly seeking the face of your Creator.

There's nothing I want more than You, Jesus. Come be the fire inside of me, come be the flame upon my heart, come be the fire inside of me, until you and I are one!

To be in Gods presence is NOT a once a week thing to do on a Sunday - it should be a daily thing.

The old is GONE, the new has COME! Make the choice to stay in the new! You ARE the righteousness of Christ. Live it, breathe it!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Is that what God says? ... Unbreakable chains

1 So they came to the other side of the lake, to the region of the Gerasenes. 2 Just as Jesus was getting out of the boat, a man with an unclean spirit came from the tombs and met him. 3 He lived among the tombs, and no one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain. 4 For his hands and feet had often been bound with chains and shackles, but he had torn the chains apart and broken the shackles in pieces. No one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Each night and every day among the tombs and in the mountains, he would cry out and cut himself with stones. 6 When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and bowed down before him. 7 Then he cried out with a loud voice, "Leave me alone, Jesus, Son of the Most High God! I implore you by God - do not torment me!" 8 (For Jesus had said to him, "Come out of that man, you unclean spirit!") 9 Jesus asked him, "What is your name?" And he said, "My name is Legion, for we are many." 10 He begged Jesus repeatedly not to send them out of the region. 11 There on the hillside, a great herd of pigs was feeding. 12 And the demonic spirits begged him, "Send us into the pigs. Let us enter them." (Mark 5)

I was thinking about when people bind a demon in or with unbreakable chains, and wondering where that comes from!

My theory (which was blown out of the water) was maybe it has something to do with the above passage of scripture! I don't know.

So if someone does know the relevant scripture verses that support the unbreakable chains idea, please share!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Saturday, 19 October 2013


When you've done all to stand, in other words, when you've bound and cast out demons, forgiven people, been forgiven, repented of sins, been filled with the Holy Spirit, all the fruits and gifts of the Spirit, and every good and pleasing thing like mercy and grace, stand!

Stand as a new creation, the righteousness of Christ, with the old being gone, and the new come, put off the old and put on the new, with the belt of truth around your waist, so you can show, speak and know Gods truth. Gods truth as opposed to the truth that the world claims to have, which is nothing more than the devils lies! Gods truth.

With the breastplate of righteousness on your chest, so the world can see that you are the righteousness of Christ, and so your chest is protected.

With your feet shod with the boots of the gospel of peace, boots with excellent grip so you can stand without falling over and so you can walk in peace and share Gods peace, the peace that surpasses understanding with everyone, wherever you go.

Having taken up the shield of faith, to have the faith to not only take God at His word, but to extinguish ALL the fiery darts that come from the devil. And believe me, if the devil thinks he has a half a chance at hitting you, he'll take the shot, without hesitation! Get your shield up!

Then putting on the helmet of salvation, most of your battles will take place in your head, why not stop the majority of sulphur ridden thoughts from getting in, in the first place - protect your head! Re-affirm daily and give thanks to God for your salvation! Do not give room to doubt, which in unbelief dressed up pretty! Unbelief is a sin. Give thanks to God.

And finally, take up the sword of the Spirit, being the word of God, which is sharper than a two edged sword and can nicely divide between sinew and bone! Read it. Meditate on it. Chew it over! Get into Gods word. And get Gods word into you.

Stand knowing God has your back, your friends are at your side and God goes before you.

Stand so that the devil gets scared of you and runs away. Submitting yourself to God, so that you can resist the devil. Submission is simple - get into Gods presence. Worship and pray. Read Gods word. Submit to God. Stand in Gods strength, and the devil will have no choice but to flee, cause he can't stand being in Gods presence!

Stand on Gods word, exercising your faith. Faith without works is dead. So stand and exercise your faith.

Stand in the authority that God gave you.

Stand in your sonship! Knowing that you have been adopted into Gods family, your are co-heir with Christ. You are more than a conqueror! You are a child of the Most High God!

Stand! Stand firm. Praying continuously, bring your requests to God, with all kinds of prayers.

Stand. Be alert. Stand. Not run around in a frantic panic. Stand.

Give thanks to God for He is good. He gives you the strength you need. Stand in His strength. In ALL things, give thanks. Pray blessings for those who persecute you, attack you, slander you, curse you... Blessings that they will come to know Jesus in a deep, personal way. That they will walk in the light of Gods love. That they will be filled and overflowing with the Holy Spirit and the fruits and gifts of the Spirit, that they will live and breathe God!


May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Friday, 18 October 2013

When can a curse stay?

Somewhere in the bible I've read that a curse without cause can not stay. Therefore a large proportion of christians are walking under, living with and generally putting up with crap that they don't need to have! Simply because somewhere along the line they've either picked up or been given a curse!

So, how does a curse have a cause or reason? It can be from any number of things. Unforgiveness, sin, generational sin, occult practices...

Therefore, a curse without a cause or reason is either a curse that has not yet been broken off after sin has been repented of, or because someone has decided to lay a curse on you.

The majority of the time, when you get ministry and deal with your crap, ie. you confess your sin, repent and seek forgiveness, the curses that come with that sin are generally smashed and have no more power over you. Occasionally things can get missed.

The curse that someone puts upon you has been done so for a reason! Now remember, as christians we are told to bless and not curse. However, there are lots of people who for whatever reason, do not see things as we do! These people don't live by our standards! And some of them can be quite nasty!

With my background in occult, I know a little bit about curses! They are put on people to control them, make them sick, or to kill them! Yes, there are some nasty people out there!

My point is, sometimes that sickness is through no fault of your own. Sometimes that sickness is the result of a curse that has been placed on you by someone else. And sometimes you don't even know you've been cursed!

How to get rid of it. It doesn't take much! Mostly, some prayer, some forgiveness, then some blessings! And you're done!

So, you are praying, it is revealed to you by the Holy Spirit that you are living under someones curse... You firstly forgive them for that curse. Then you send that curse back to them, along with a pile of blessings. My favourite blessing to give pretty much anyone is that they will come to know their creator in a deeper way then they could dream, and that they will come to God and seek forgiveness and salvation, and that their days would be long and prosperous as they walk in the will and love of their heavenly father. Or something like that!

Once the reason for the curse has been dealt with, it simply can not stay! And I have seen people reap the results of curses that have been sent back to them - it ain't pretty!

You don't have to live your life under a curse! Seek God and what He says. If you need to repent of something, do it! Do not give the devil a foothold.

To live under a curse is to be less effective. To live under a curse is not living in freedom. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Seek God, He will tell you what you need to know.

Be willing to forgive - this releases you to walk in freedom! Bless those who hurt you. Pray for those who hate you. And by all means, kick off the bondages of curses. You don't need them!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Thursday, 17 October 2013

John 14:13

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

Therefore we need to make sure that what we ask Jesus for is in HIS will, so that the Father will be glorified! Its not about what I want - but what the Son wants so that the Father is glorified.

Example: if I am meant to be a worship leader that travels around leading Gods people into more intimate worship of God, then it is pretty pointless me asking for a horse, so I can do show jumping! Its not where I am meant to be, therefore its outside of Gods will for me, and it is less likely to bring Glory to the Father! I need to be doing what I have been called to do, not whatever I want! Its a laid down life - Gods will not mine, so that through me, the Father will be glorified!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Is that what God says? Re-visited

In my post Is that what God says? I asked about when casting out demons - do you send them to "uninhabited places"? If so, where in the bible did Jesus, or anyone else do that? I got an answer... with two links... Both of which I read... the first one, when demons leave where do they go (I'm not really sure I agree with this one - it seems to have a lot of unnecessary fluffery), and the second one, Where do you send demons?. Now my understanding is that Jesus simply cast demons out and the only instance I can find of him sending them anywhere was legion... 

So following my logic - it is more scriptural to send a demon into a herd of pigs than it is to send them to uninhabited places!

I've recently had some ministry time and the demons that were hanging around me were either cast OFF or AWAY... no direction as to where to go (and the people who did this ministry have been doing it for longer than I have been alive!)

I happen to like and agree with what was said in the second link... "When you cast out a spirit all you need is a simple direct command to tell it to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.  You do not need to tell it where to go as it will not stay there anyway.  Does the Bible not say that satan prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. If you are concerned about demons lingering in your home at the completion of Ministry, simply command all demons to leave your home in the name of Jesus Christ when you are done".

Its to the point. And of all the prayers the Holy Spirit has given me, they have always been short and to the point and He has never said to send a demon here or there or anywhere else! Its just been to cast it out and tell it to go!

From my experience, demons have minds of there own, they're not about to stay where you send them! And I have seen many documentaries of beautiful uninhabited landscapes - why would I want to fill those beautiful places with big fat ugly sulphur smelling demons?? 

I have a list of other things I want to get sorted out, to know what is scriptural and what is simply mans teaching and doctrine! The challenge is to find out what God is saying as opposed to mans doctrine that has been tacked on.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Where does that fit in the grand scheme of things?

At the moment I have flu-like symptoms ... Not nice, but nothing I can't handle ... Yet I woke up in the early hours of today (2.30am or there abouts) with a rather strange thought in my head! It went something along the lines of "if you go there you'll never get sick again, its ok to do it, I will help you!" I had a distinct sense of suicide. Not the best thought in the world. But a thought none the less! I said to myself, I'm not that desperate!

I suddenly had the understanding of why some do go there! It is simply an idea planted in their head by something that is nasty! And the pressure applied to them by this nasty being can get excruciating.

I know that others have other reasons, I'm not wanting to get into that. I'm not qualified to go there, nor do I want to! Suicide is a tough and painful thing. Especially for those left behind.

The question I have is, where does it fit in the grand scheme of things? Psalm 139 clearly states that all the days of my life were ordained for me, before one of them came to be. And I know that we have free will. Do we have free will to over-ride the ordained number of days set for us, and depart this life early? Or, is it set that, because God knows the future and the outcome of our decisions, is it that suicide is how some will end their life?

I'm not trying to debate if we loose or gain salvation by going down this road. Only God knows what goes on in a persons head in their last few moments in this life! I'm just wanting to know if it was ordained for some? If that is how they were designed to end?

And for the record, I'm not going there... I tried that once, and God intervened... I figure He has something in mind for me...

Now, I think I might try and go back to sleep!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Is that what God says?

If you are a preacher or a teacher, preach and teach Gods word! Share what God is saying and not what man (or woman) says! Because sooner or later, if its not Gods word, it will be full of lies, wrong contexts and curses!

If you preach Grace, preach it, tempered with Mercy and Repentance.

If you preach the law, preach it, tempered with Grace, Mercy and Repentance.

And above all else, give glory to God! He is the one who gave you a brain to think and a mouth to speak!

Just because it sounds great, doesn't mean that it lines up with Gods word!
Example: when casting out demons - do you send them to "uninhabited places"? If so, where in the bible did Jesus, or anyone else do that? (please tell me, I want to know!)

Does what you are preaching and teaching line up with Gods word? If not - why are you preaching and teaching it?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Monday, 16 September 2013

Neither for nor against...

Recently it was brought to my attention where a guy rocked up to Joshua, and Joshua vowed down to worship (he wasn't stopped, so the assumption is that this guy was God), but Joshua said to him, are you for us or against us!
That is a huge question, especially if thus guy is God!

We know that every time we read about encounters with angels, and someone goes to worship them, the angels stop the worship! But in the case of Joshua, this does not happen... The guy allows the worship! Conclusion, this guy is God! A member of the God head! I'm not going to debate - because I dont know which one!

God answers Joshua - NEITHER! Think of the implications of that one statement - NEITHER! God is neither for is, nor is He against us!

For years I had been taught that God is for me! I have come to the understanding that being with me, is not necessarily being for me! I have to be for God and His will! He is not for my will, UNLESS, my will matches His will! My ideas are not his ideas, my thoughts are not His thoughts... God is not a man, blown around by whatever circumstances come His way! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! He is for Himself!

He won't let anything come my way that I can't handle (with Him)! He is outside my circumstances, whilst being thoroughly knowledgeable, understanding and concerned with my circumstances! He wants my heart to be inline with His, then, I am for Him! Then, I am on His side! I am on the same page as He is, then my plans will work, because they are His plans! Those are the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope and a future - IF I seek Him with ALL my heart! IF I am wiling to trust Him with my everything!

Wow! (Sorry, this is kinda a new thing for me! I need some time to take this in!)

Things make more sense if I understand at the beginning, that God is neither for nor against me! He won't stand in my way, but if I do something that is displeasing to Him, then He won't support it!

Its funny how one little word can change your perspective and bring clarity!


May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Thursday, 12 September 2013

My journey so far!

I'm going to start somewhere in the recent history of me! :)

Before my pastor decided to retire from being a pastor, I started to get a little discontent with my life!

I felt like I was just going to church and not actually being part of it! This lead me to start praying for me and my relationship with God! Little did I know my pastor was going to make his announcement and little did I know what changes lie ahead for me! (Ha ha - isn't it amazing how God works?!)

With the changes in church came opportunities! I started going to the 6am prayer meeting! (I'm a night owl, so getting up that early is a miracle for me!) And strangely, I somehow became the one who runs the 6am prayer meeting! (And in doing this, I feel so far out of my depth it isn't funny!)

Before all this, a particular lady in church kept telling me I had a ministry! Now, me being me, and not really liking the idea of having a ministry (simply because in my time in church the word ministry has been used and abused and no longer meant what it was supposed to mean), I decided I was not having anything to do with a "ministry"! All I wanted to do was serve God in some small invisible way in church!

Anyway, this lady kept telling me that I have this ministry! And the bizarre thing was she seemed to think that I knew what it was! I had no idea, but I didn't tell her that! I just prayed that God would either tell her I wasn't going down that road, or that He would tell me what on earth this ministry thing was!

Its funny how God works, He's slowly been revealing little bits to me and the lady is still telling me I have a ministry!

So, where am I going with this?

A week or so ago, I wrote a blog post ( because I had this vague idea in my head, but I also had this other thing going on and I really needed some prayer as to what to focus on and what to do!

Another lady prayed and God gave her an answer, to which I gave her an even vaguer answer which was nothing short of confusing! And then a short time later I got a second answer... Thus, I got some direction!

The details are still vague to me! I guess God does that so I don't get too excited and run ahead, or get too overwhelmed and run away!

Anyways, this ministry thing has something to do with prayer (lots of it), helping people get set free, more prayer, a huge amount of worship, and some teaching, and some other fun/scary stuff! Of course, I can not do all of that! (I told God this, that to do such a thing, I would need a team, I've had no clear answer on that yet!)

I'm going to be having my first "official" lot of prayer ministry training in October!

Of course, I'm still seeking Him for more details! (I like to know what I'm meant to be doing, at least a loose guideline! Whilst flying by the seat of ones pants is thrilling, exhilarating and just plain scary,  it's not my most prefered mode of transport!)

So, I ask, that IF you hear Gods voice (and only IF you hear Gods voice), and IF you pray according to Gods will, please pray for me! I NEED to know Gods will, but more than that, I NEED to Gods presence! And I NEED to hear HIS voice to know what and where and when and how! While I have the go ahead, I need to have some details!

Oh, one other thing... Lately, God has had me asking Him for providence, influence and favour... He had me look up the meanings of these three words!

Providence- care or preparation in advance; foresight.
- prudent management; economy.
- the care, guardianship, and control exercised by a deity; divine direction.
- a manifestation of divine care or direction.

Influence- a power affecting a person, thing, or purse of events, especially one that operates without any direct or apparent effort.

Favour- an act of gracious kindness.
- bestow a privilege upon.
- an advantage to the benefit of someone or something.

"Come away with Me, its not to late for you, I have a plan for you, its gonna be wild, its gonna be great, its gonna be full of Me!"

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Thursday, 5 September 2013

God opposes the proud

The following is a dream I had this morning. Now this dream came as a surprise to me... I dont watch tv (the antenna has been removed from the house, so no reception), and I don't really get into political stuff - so having this dream was a bit of a shocked!

I had a dream where Kevin Rudd was on a camp with a whole bunch of Spirit filled christians... It came time for sleeping, and due to lack of beds/heaters, people were encouraged to sleep close! I saw six or so guys in sleeping bags on top of a wire bed frame, and about the same number under it! This frame was shoved in the corner, so whoever was underneath at the wall was trapped! And in that position I saw Mr Rudd. Stuck and unable to move!

I believe that it means that Mr Rudd has made his judgements, whatever they are! God knows his heart. God knows his deeds. God has laid out his plan for Mr Rudd.

Because of his judgements and assumptions, he will be boxed in and unable to move. God will deal with him in a way that is personal to Mr Rudd.

From my understanding, Mr Rudd has put himself into a rather interesting predicament, but God sees him, knows him and will deal with him!

While what he said about homosexuality and whatever else is bad! I believe that we as christians are meant to pray for "personal repentance"... (meaning that Mr Rudd repents) - before he is forceably  humbled.
I feel that Gods hand is over Mr Rudd, to either humble him, or exalt him! It depends on what happens in his heart.
I also feel that Mr Rudd knows of God (like He is some being out there somewhere, with no real power). He does not yet know God! He is very close to meeting Him! May it be by repentance and not by forced humbling! We know that God opposes the proud!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

As vague as it gets...

I'm so nervous... I feel nauseous... I'm facing the possibility of something I have long prayed about... And I'm feeling like I'm walking on thin ice, or that I've somehow gone out on a limb!

Years ago, if I had have been asked if I was ready to go here, I would have overwhelmingly said yes! But now, I'm not so sure!

I think I need some confirmation on this! And maybe a little peace! Not that I'm actually going to say what it is! Where's the fun in that? 

The waiting is the biggest issue! I hate waiting! I'm not particularly good at it! Yet, in so saying, I have waited a long time for many things!

The problem I am having now is "to hope or not to hope"! I dont want to hope and be disappointed, but I want to hope and trust God. The internal battle is raging and I'm not entirely sure "who" will win!

God has been showing so much of other people, where they need ministry, where they need to simply take God at his word (which I am still, obviously, struggling with), and how much He loves them! Yet, for me, He is strangely silent - especially on this particular subject... Or maybe He is speaking, but because I'm so worked up over it, I'm not hearing Him!

There are too many variables! I just want a straight answer... "Is or is not...!" And typical me, I want this answer now, please! Although, from what I've found, God doesn't seem to work like that!

Oh, help me now! Why can't life be a little more simple!?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

I wish to ask you...

I have a question to ask you... Its a really simple one...

What is your definition of "believe"?

Because even the demons believe in Jesus!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Monday, 26 August 2013

Book reading fun ...

I recently began reading a book which shall remain nameless along with its author...

I've made notes on most pages, because something said is either so laughable or is simply giving the devil way too much credit!

This author has missed one simple issue within the demonic ranks that, I saw a lot of when I was a witch... Disunity and disharmony...

In this book the author talks about this huge plan that the devil has where every man woman and child will be given the mark of the beast! (There is nothing new here - Revelation talks about all of this stuff) But, the perspective is written so that it sounds like the author is trying to say that God is almost not strong enough to combat or even defeat the devil.

There is a list of "types" of people from the rich and famous, to politicians, to the humble person next door!

However, it seems to have been forgotten that God has a plan, and because God is a creator genius, who created the devil in the first place, He has not only defeated the devil at the death and resurrection of Jesus, He also knows exactly what to do with him!

This book gives way too much credit to the devil, who already has an extremely over inflated view of himself...

If I was going to write a book, the subject would not be on the devil! His head is already too swollen for his own good! I dont really want to be adding more to his pride and ego!

A few years ago, if I had have read this book, I would have totally grasped hold of it like it was gold! But what I know of the devil and of God, this one will be heading to the deep dark recesses of my library... Probably to never see the light of day! There are better books to be reading!

My thought is - why waste time reading about what the devil wants to do, when you can spend time in Gods presence (the holy of holies) learning about God and what He says He will do, in you and through you?!

If we spend all our effort on the devil, we run the risk of becoming like him. If we spend all our effort on God, we run the risk of becoming like Him! (That is a pretty good risk, if you ask me!)

While I agree that we "need to know our enemy", all we really need to know is that he is our enemy and he is already defeated!

What we desperately need to know is that God is for us, so no-one can stand against us! God is our shield, our strength and our rear guard. God will always vindicate His people! And He protects His own! (If you don't believe me, do some bible studies on the subject!) God says that we are to not fear, and that if we submit ourselves to Him, and resist the devil, the devil will have no choice, but to flee, because he can't stand being in the presence of God! If we put ourselves onto the presence of God everyday, then we will naturally resist the devil! God also says to us to be anxious for nothing, but in ever situation, by prayer and petition, submit your requests to God!

We don't need books that tell us about the devils plans, we need to learn Gods word and practice daily time in Gods presence.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

This thought hit me during a private worship time...

Repentance and Sin have become "dirty" words (much like swearing) in the church.

We've become so familiar with our crap, its like a pet that we feed on a daily, or even, hourly basis...

We can't call it what it is - sin! And for some reason, we can't repent! And that is called Pride - which is SIN!

Its about time we got on our knees in true heart repentance, for  righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people. (Proverbs 14:34)

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

My ministry or Gods ministry?

Is it really my ministry? What I am trying to say is... Overall, God has work for us ALL... Therefore, is it really my ministry or is it just work that God has specifically for me?

To me, claiming that I have a specific ministry - "my ministry" - seems to me to be an attempt to take God out of the picture! Which is not a typically wise move!

I think that the only ministry I need is prayer ministry to deal with my crap!

My anything is purely me focused! Take me out of the picture and put God there instead! Right focus, right result!

Jesus said that He only did what He saw the Father doing. He only spoke what the Father said! He only did what the Father did... That there, to me, says that the "ministry" is Gods alone and we should only do what the Father does!

So, I don't have a specific ministry, I have a small part to play in Gods overall work/ministry!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Saturday, 10 August 2013

All things work together, for GOOD, for those who TRUST God!

I've just recently had a back molar pulled out! It was yesterday! So of course, I'm still, very much, feeling the effects of it! However, its not all bad!

Yeah there's pain, bleeding, a little swelling, the lack of appetite yet an almost extreme hunger and all the messiness of pain killers! BUT - this is a result of a prayer prayed!

You see, I have a friend. Her health was starting to go dramatically down hill. Someone suggested to her to have her amalgam fillings removed and replaced with something else. After doing that, her health started to improve! Now, this happened years ago and, as a teenager, I didn't give it much thought after that!

But recently I decided to take a little looky into amalgam... While I'm not clued up as to what exactly that silvery black stuff is - I know at least part (or if no, all) of it is mercury!

Now mercury is a poison, so why does a huge percent of the population act like walking talking mercury storage devices? Maybe someone else can answer that question!

Anyway, back to this answered prayer business! I asked God if there was a way of safe mercury removal... That was in my particular budget!

The other day I broke my second tooth this year... This tooth had the largest amount of mercury I had stored in my mouth! And what was worse than a broken tooth? A broken tooth that was very sensitive due to the filling being squished against the nerve!

My answer to my prayer came as a most inconvenient broken tooth! Because the dentists (of which I had two) couldn't be certain that an additional filling would stay put! And the timing was rather bad...

I went to the dentist in a small amount of pain (a big amount of pain for me is full-on labour), but pain none the less! I wanted the tooth pulled... My reasons where the most annoying filling, and the filling, or more accurately what the thing was made of!

When the dentists were discussing the idea of a second filling for it, my prayer went into overdrive. I didn't wish to keep that poison in my system! When they decided it needed to be out, I was so nervous I wanted to throw up, but I was happy and somewhat relieved!

When I went for my early morning appointment, I was praying! The hassles that was had with my first ever extraction was shocking. I did not want a repeat performance from my stubborn teeth! So I prayed that it would come out quickly and with relative ease! Which it did! There was no need to cut it to pieces! There was no need to have 5 lots of pain killing stuff like last time! And there was no need for either dentist to swing on my tooth like a monkey in order to attempt to loosen it! For a stubborn tooth, it behaved itself, which is exactly what I asked God to make it do!!

I trusted God to see to the removal of 95% (or there abouts) of the mercury in my mouth, and He caused it to happen with relative ease! And, the mercury wasn't disturbed in any way! Which was even better!

God looks after those who trust Him. Yes, I wanted to keep my tooth, but without money and a miracle, that was not possible! And the way I see it! I have gained not lost! I will have far less risk of mercury induced illnesses. And because I believe that my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit - I need to look after it! So, if getting rid of a tooth with the potential to cause harm is what is needed, then so be it! Besides, God could give me a replacement tooth if He wanted to! After all - He created the universe and everything in it! (including me!)

So, here's to the God who answers prayer - The Almighty  Lord! :)

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

I love it when God says...

During my time of prayer, whenever it was that I started going to the 6am meeting, I used to pray that God would do His will in any given situation! Its great to pray that, but its also crap!

Then there was the occasional time when God would ask me what I wanted to see in a given situation! Now, I thought that was cool!

But then God started to tell me to ask  Him to intervene in a given situation! Now that was awesome!

But then, of late, He's been asking me to ask Him to personally step into the situation and do the list of things that He tells me to ask Him to do!

Now, right at the beginning - it was "I have no idea what or how to pray"!! So praying for Gods will in the situation... It is great, simply because I was asking for God to do His will. But it was crap because it was a cop-out! It was the "lazy mans route"! Anyone can pray that way!

I'd get excited when God would ask me what I wanted in a situation! But this was a very occasional thing indeed!

Then asking God to intervene - while intervention is great - it still came across as "God, stay where you are, there in heaven, but send an angel or something to intervene in this"!!

Asking God to personally step into a situation is awesome! And He is asking me to ask Him to do it more often! Its what He wants to do! Be personal, and close to all His children, both the ones that know Him and the ones yet to know Him!

And, yes, there are still moments when I pray the Gods will thing!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Laid down completely

A "laid down life" doesn't necessarily have to end in death! For Jesus, death was a short interlude in His time on earth! He had business that He had to attend to, for the sake of us - His friends, and for the sake of His Father! He suffered so that we wouldn't have to! That DOES NOT mean that we will have an easy, smooth, pain and suffering free life here on earth, because we live in a fallen world! That means that we will not have to suffer the agony of eternal separation from God! Jesus was separated from God for a short time so that we wouldn't be separated from Him for eternity.

How then, does it make both the Father and Jesus feel, when, in our arrogance and pig-headed stubborn pride, we say to God that we neither need nor want what Jesus suffered, died and rose to life to give us? How is it that we feel that we can scorn and slurry what we were given?

Before Jesus died, He showed us love and grace. He forgave sins and healed the sick! When He suffered, He showed grace - Father forgive them for they know not what they do! When He rose to life He continued to show grace.

Grace isn't some whimpy powerless thing that gives us the ability to do whatever the hell we please!

Grace is the power to live in a fallen world! Grace is the power to believe! Grace is the power to forgive! Grace is the power to love unconditionally! Grace is the power and the ability to repent! Grace is the power to walk in Gods freedom within the boundaries of His love!

This Jesus, who loved us so much that it killed Him, loved so much that He did more than just die! He was God - death has no power over God! This Jesus, the Son of God, He reconciled us to the Father and the Father to us! He made it possible for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit! It was more than just a simple death and resurrection! He gave us His all!

He gave us His life, for us to learn to live like Him! Starting with His death - not my will but Yours be done! He laid down His life completely to the will of the Father!

Will you lay your life down completely to the will of the Father??

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Things I've learnt from prayer ministry

In the past I had some very well meaning people come to me with lists of issues! Not their issues, my issues - or at least things that they thought were my issues! And I remember taking one such list and going through it and saying "that's not an issue, that's not am issue, that's not an issue..." I got to the end of the list and was told I was in denial! What a joke! I could identify that these "issues" were mere symptoms of an underlying root problem! And having had already been discussing my problems with God, He said to leave that one on the shelf for now, I was to work elsewhere!

Some people tend to get a little offended when you say that to them! But they are the ones in the wrong with trying to force their agenda!

Another thing is, if someone says to write down any issues/problems you may have to get dealt with... Its OK to not write anything down! Its also OK to struggle to write things down!

I went to a freed to live day ran by VMTC recently and we were asked to write stuff down! I struggled! Seriously struggled! In the end I wrote "the black bits" these are things that I know are there, but because of my wonderful ability to block out memories, I have no idea what they are!

I know that some people can write pages and pages of stuff down that they want to deal with! Some of us can't! Some of us don't see that we have anything to deal with right now! It OK because God knows what we need! God knows where we are at! And if it is Gods agenda to deal with something, He will make it known!

Something else I've learned... I can go to God and say I have this or that issue... And He'll say, "that's great, but were working here! You're not ready to go there yet!" Its because He knows me better than I know me!

Be encouraged, God knows you better than you think! He will open your eyes to His will for you, and that is what counts! While other peoples opinions are valid, God must always overrule! He knows what's best!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Spirit filled and demon possessed: its not good but can happen!

Its been said that "a Spirit filled believer can not have a demon! And if they do, are they really saved??"

I beg to differ!! Well, actually, I don't beg, I disagree! Totally!

Here's why!

In my days as a witch (which I have since repented of etc.) I had two friends (whom shall remain nameless other than to call them witch 1 and witch 2)...

They had a plan for me! Apparently I was a natural and rather strong in certain areas and they wanted to harness this for their own devious plans! So they set about placing within me a demon with triggers so that they could "activate" me whenever and wherever they wanted!

For whatever reason they had a falling out with each other, and no longer spoke to each other! And witch 2 said to me "be careful, she's a dangerous one that one!"

Anyway, I had these moments in time where my world would turn black and I'd end up who knows where! It was because the thing in me had been activated and I had been controlled...

I had been saved and Spirit filled for at least 10 or more years before I finally found out what was going on there and finally was delivered and set free of this demonic thing!

So from personal experience, I can tell you, that it is entirely possible to be saved, Spirit filled and demon possessed at the same time! Its not a good place to be and the demon needs to be gotten rid of ASAP! But in some circumstances, the person has no idea how it got there or when! And only by revelation of the Holy Spirit did I come to find out what the problem was and how to get rid of it!

Thanks and praise be to God, I am free!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Worship: What you lack in skill, make up for it - joyful and loud! :)

Make a joyful noise! When it comes to worship, make a joyful noise! Whether you think you can sing or can't sing, make a joyful noise anyway! God likes to hear you sing! No matter what you think, He enjoys it and He stops to listen to you! So even your out of tune, in the wrong key or whatever singing, the God of the universe who created you, stops to hear you worship! And He never said to sing in tune, key or anything else! Just make a joyful noise! Your creator delights in you ... take some time and delight in Him!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Monday, 15 July 2013

How will we respond?

How will we respond to a God who gave us everything, though we deserved nothing?

How will we respond to a God who tells us what to do then helps us do it?

How will we respond to a God who demands that we have no other god before Him, for He is a jealous God??

How will we respond to a God who asks us to lay down our lives to Him and for Him?

How will we respond to a God that is powerful enough to create life and also utterly destroy it?

How will we respond to a God who is higher than the heavens, yet closer than our toaster?? And who knows every hair on our head?

How will we respond to a universe creating God who knows more about us than we know about ourselves?

How will we respond to a God who stepped out of heaven and became a man?

How will we respond to a God who was willingly beaten?

How will we respond to a God who allowed Himself to be nailed to a piece of wood for crimes He did not commit? For sicknesses that were not His? And for the sins we try to hide?

How will we respond to a God who created us, and fully knowing our faults, still said, "Come and follow Me?", because He believes we can do what He asks of us??

How will we respond?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!


Jesus said "come follow me", not for the fun of it!  He said that because He believes that you can be like Him! He has faith that you can do what He says you can! Do not doubt yourself, for Jesus does not doubt you! He knows that with Him, you can do all the things He created you to do!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Friday, 12 July 2013

This is war and it ain't pretty!

Recently I watched a movie where North Korea invaded America! (Apparently its a new version of and old movie!)

Anyway - in this movie the dude who played Thor in Thor gave a little speech... He said that its war and its going to be messy, but we are fighting for our families and that will make it a little easier! (My paraphrased version!)

While we christians are fighting a war, our enemy (thankfully) is NOT North Korea! Its not any regime or super-power, or any human for that matter!

We should not in any way "sell" christianity as an easy, fun way on life! On the contrary, it is hard, and in some parts of the world, it is life threateningly dangerous!

There was this dude who decided that he wasn't going to stay and fight! He'd had enough and it hadn't really gotten messy yet! He decided to help the enemy! Jesus said that those who try to save their lives will loose them (which is what happened to this turn-coat) and those who loose their lives for Jesus' sake will save them!

I find it interesting that there are some christians who have walked away from God because they have been asked, by God, to give up some things that are doing them great harm! They don't seem to be willing to "loose their life" for the sake of the cross of Christ! And thus have lost their life! (Their freedom in Christ!)

This world is a battle zone, whether we like it or not! We can choose to try and keep it at arms length or we can choose to join in and fight for what is right!

It is for freedom that Jesus came to set the captives free! Our families and friends who don't yet know Jesus in a one on one, personal kinda way, are being held captive by our enemy! Are we going to stand and fight for them?

At the end of this movie some old guy offers the remaining kids a chance for a break and freedom! (The temptation to leave the battle and forget those left behind!) But they chose to stay and fight! (Awesome) What are you going to choose?

But as for me and my household we WILL serve the Lord! I realise that this kind of decision puts me on the "front line", but the fight is well worth the effort! And only when its finished, will I stop! I hope and pray that I will see you standing with me! United in the blood and body of Christ Jesus our Lord.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

We are required to listen - carefully!

Some battles are for us to take up, but others are to be placed in Gods hands AND LEFT THERE.
Sometimes a situation calls for healing, other times they call for repentance and forgiveness, and still others - God asks for a quiet place of worship in order to restore and renew.
We need to hear what God wants in each situation!
Just because circumstances for several different people look the same - they all got there by different roads, and thus, require different ways of dealing with the problem or issue!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

God knows

Its sad how we get to know others - especially for prayer...

Paul with pancreatic cancer, Louise with this issue, Peter with that problem, So-and-so with O.C.D., that lady over there who had a fall and broke a hip, this family who's dad died recently.

I'm pretty sure that there is more to people then their problems and ailments and sadness.

While we don't need to know everyones life stories, especially for prayer... Sometimes it helps! Once in a little while I'd like to know more than a persons name and their problem! At least I know that God knows who each of these people are! And God knows, ultimately, how to handle each problem!

Maybe I just want to fix every problem and solve every painful place... But that will only cause more problems!

Some things are best left to God!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Some thoughts and questions!

When you dis-believe that there is evil in the form of the devil - there, you enter into some problems.

The bible says that God doesn't tempt us, yet we are tempted! Is it really possible that all our temptations are from our flesh?

I've heard christians say that there is no devil - then who is it that features in Revelation??

I've also heard christians say to stop looking for "him" under every bush! While I doubt that the devil is the main cause of ALL our problems, I do believe that he has a small part to play in some of our problems!

If there is no devil - where did sin come from?

If the devil is completely useless and powerless, then why do we have to submit ourselves to God and RESIST the devil? If he is as powerless as some would have us believe - shouldn't we simply just be able to push him over??

I'm also certain that some reading this will tell me that I've attributed too much "glory" to the devil!

Why is it that among some circles of christians the subject of the devil is lumped in the same category as sex and death - taboo! (oops! did I just say that??? ;) )

By the way, I would love to know your thoughts! Simply leave them in the comment section below! Remember - I do moderate them!

Do we even believe in the devil anymore? I know satanists still do! (that is not as extreme as you might think!)

There's a song I know, written from the devils perspective. It says that he can do anything he likes because no-one believes in him anymore! And apparently it is getting easier to do this "anything I like" because we've closed our eyes, turned a blind eye or simply chosen to ignore! We pretend that horoscopes are fun and harmless! We pretend that halloween is a night for fun and games. We are happy to have our palms and eyes read through palm reading and iridology! We are more than happy to participate in reiki massage and reflexology and kinesiology! We believe that it is all harmless fun that causes no problems and open no doors! But that is a very, very foolish and stupid belief! These things open us up to the very real world of the devil! These are all pathways into the occult! (there are 100s more ways that I could list - like accupunture, accupressure, numerology, charkra healing, crystal (precious/semi-precious stone) healing, weja boards, and a pile of things I can't spell!)
Let me just say one more thing on this - the mess you end up in when you have "dabbled" in this stuff is not pretty! You will need to repent and renounce all involvement in the occult and witchcraft!

Do we believe in the existence of the devil? I do hope so! Does he have all the power? Nope! Not by a long shot! If he did, we would be calling him Lord instead of Jesus! And the devil doesn't care for us like Jesus does! Who was the one to died for us and then three days later rose again for us?!! Who was the one who created is in His image?

While the devil has very real power, greater is He who is in us that he who is in the world!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


Have you ever been told to meditate?? Were you told to empty your mind until it is blank? I strongly recommend that you NEVER do that! Empty things can be filled!

When I was a witch, a couple of my friends would play some "games"... They would search out those who had emptied their minds, then they would send their "minions" (demons) to whisper things into the minds of these poor people! I'd watch this and sometimes the victim would burst into laughter, other times they would be wrapped up in such terror and horror!
It depended on what kind of "fun" these witches wanted to have!

In the Bible it is written:
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things.

If your mind is full of praise and adoration for God, then the devil, witches or whatever else CANNOT put their thoughts in your head!

When you meditate - meditate on God! Meditate on his word. Think about all the good things He has done for you! (The other positive benefit of this is that it is harder to sin when you are thinking about God!)

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Your sins are forgiven, take up your mat and walk

Life is a journey! And there are painful bits!

If we are willing, Jesus will deal with those painful bits!

I've heard people say "just get over it" - easier said than done! To be getting over something is liken to burying something alive! And if you have buried loving issues, they will not allow you to move on! They will keep reaching out of their premature grave and pull you back!
Now some people then go and pour ten metres of concrete (bitterness and unforgiveness) over that grave! Then they wonder why their problem still haunts them! So they try to run away!

Have you ever tried to run away from your own skin?? It doesn't work! Running away from your issues is like trying to run away from your own skin!

Dealing with them is much better! They are less likely to resurrect themselves!

This is where your mat comes in! Its that little bit of comfort! The knowledge and understanding that Jesus is with you! The caring people who pray with you!

To deal with your issues, you need to lay your mat down, and lay on it! This requires getting rather vulnerable!
You then allow Jesus to examine the hurt part to see what needs removing and what can be healed! (Prayer ministry with the Holy Spirit)
Then after all that, Jesus says to you, "My child, your sins are forgiven, take up your mat and walk!"

You go along and find another painful place - the process begins again! You lay your mat down, Jesus examines you, you get healed...

Forgiveness is a huge part of this process! Forgiving those who hurt you, forgiving yourself AND sometimes you need to forgive God!

Dealing with your issues is your responsibility. Jesus is a gentleman - He will never over step your boundaries! You need to ask Him to examine you where it hurts! Then you need to do what He says to solve the problem!

If you need prayer ministry, then I strongly recommend that you seek out those who can help! Start off with your church prayer team, or go to Elijah House Ministries or VMTC (Victorious Ministries Through Christ). (links are in the side bar at the top)

Jesus loves you! He wants to help you overcome and deal with your painful bits. It is for freedom that He wants to set you free! You are not alone in your life! Jesus is with you!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Prayer notes

This last week and a bit has been a bit of a sad, yet exciting time!
My dog Oreo died.
Now God has had me praying in a very particular way in which I have come under attack! We all should know by now that when we start doing what God says, the devil takes notice!
Anyway, Oreos death was a sad outcome!
Now, I'm not going to go into the debate "did God cause it, did God allow it", because those are side issues and not important! What is important is that God used it! Oreos death reminded me of something that I forgot to do!
When we start in spiritual warfare, we absolutely must pray for protection for our families! While most of us classify our pets as family, the devil doesn't! His technicality is that they are in fact animals! We need to pray for their protection too!
Oreos death didn't stop me doing what God wants, but it did slow me down! Be sure to not make the same small and seemingly insignificant mistake that I did!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Self-fulfilling prophecies

I'm just going to jump right in here! :)

I'm going to pick on "I'm tired"! It is one that is heard an awful lot! Countless people say on a daily (sometimes even hourly) basis say, "I'm tired"!

I have a question for those people - why do you feel that way? I want you to sit down, spend some time, and analyse why you feel that way!

Then I want to to seek God on what He says about why you feel that way!

There are multiple reasons why you could feel tired! So before we do anything about finding a solution, we need to sort out the exact problem!

If you are regularly tired and run down, what have you tried to do to solve the problem?

The problem could in fact be your body telling you that you are doing too much! Or it could be that your body is telling you that there is a serious problem that needs medical attention ASAP! There is the possibility of many reasons for why you feel like that!

There is one in particular that I want to cover! That is, the self-fulfilling prophecy! This is where you are the victim of your own tongue! It starts out simply - you overdid something a long time back, and you said, I feel tired! (There's nothing wring with feeling tired, so long as you get yourself the rest you require). You keep overdoing this something and as a consequence, you stay tired. By now you've been telling yourself how tired you are for quite a long time! You speak to yourself that you are always tired. You tell your friends and your family that you are always tired! So your body (which is very good at listening to the words that fall out of your mouth) starts listening and believing what you are saying! Then, it starts acting on what you are saying! Thus, you score for yourself a self-fulfilling prophecy! Even if you change your actions and rest, you're still tired! This is a problem!

The best way to solve this little problem is to listen to what you are actually telling yourself! And change, not only your words, but your attitude, and your actions! Seeking God for healing of your mind and body and forgiving yourself for the words spoken will help too! Its a daily struggle to break through! But it is possible!

If you are telling yourself and your work mate that you are always tired, is that because you get home from work and stay awake until midnight then expect yourself to be awake at 5am? Logically speaking, you won't be able to live like that forever! Something will give out! Simply change your words AND your actions! Simply telling yourself that you will be awake and bright eyed is not enough if you are working all day, partying/studying/whatever half the night, sleeping 3-5 hours, getting up at 5am to do it all over again! Your tired because you need to rest!

Before you continue telling yourself you are tired, go and find out why you feel like that!

Likewise, before you tell yourself that you never have enough money or time, check out what you are spending your money or time doing!

Its all well and good going for prayer every week about a problem, but if your not actively trying to solve the issue, where's it going to get you? Disappointed and disillusioned!

I read a saying once - call out to God, but row away from the rocks! There's logic in that!

If you're tired, find out why! If you "never have enough whatever", find out why! If you seek God on what's going on, I'm pretty sure that He will tell you the problem, and how to fix it!

God is not only interested in your spiritual wellbeing, but He is logical and very practicle!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Its a heart issue action, not just a head thought!

"Then, after doing all those things, ..." After God does the whole softening of hardened hearts, causing repentance and everything else (read Joel 1 & 2 up to v 28 for the details). After doing all that, and we are humble and soft before Him, knowing how to seek His face with our hearts, then "I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. 29 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants-- men and women alike. 30 And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth-- blood and fire and columns of smoke..."

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Standing room only

I was at "Waiting on God" tonight, and this is what God said!

"Standing Room Only!
That is how MY church will be when you learn to seek MY face with your heart.
You will be in MY will when you seek MY face with your heart.
You will see MY miracles when you seek MY face with your heart.
You will lack nothing when you seek MY face with your heart."

Go, spend time with Jesus. Share your heart with Him!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Bitter root judgement: the world owes me

You're a small child and something doesn't go the way you wanted. You make a judgement... (my mum/dad/whoever didn't do x, y, z so they now owe me a, b, c.) You go along and life is great, except for this one little hick-up! You find that your whatever didn't do x, y, z so now they owe you a, b, c... Sound familiar? Congratulations - you have just reaped the first harvest of your bitter root judgement! Life goes along a bit further and you reap the second, third and fourth harvests of your judgement! (Its how life works!)

Now you're old... You still hang on dearly to the cruddy old judgement. You can now no longer remember what you made it for... But eventually...

You go down the road believing that the world owes you. The world owes you money, the world owes you a nice car, the world owes you a good looking boy friend or girl friend...

NEWS FLASH!! The world rarely pays its debts! And when it does - its usually to the wrong person!
You're now very unhappily living out your judgement! You're also the owner of a very unhappy judgement/harvest cycle!

Welcome to the unhappy life! Your job sucks, your wife hates you (do you think), your shoes stink because the dog used them as his toilet this morning, your mortgage is huge, your struggling to breathe... The world still owes you!

What are you going to do about it?

You believe that Jesus died for your sins (and health) and rose again on the third day. You believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of the living God... Yet, for some reason you still believe that the world owes you!

Here's a dose of perspective. Jesus died because of your sin! Jesus died because of your I'll health!

Here's some more perspective. You owed a debt you could not pay to the living God. Jesus paid it on your behalf!

The world - its poor! It can't pay your debt. It can't give you what you think it should!

To solve the problem, you need to come to Jesus with a repentant heart! You need to prayerfully (with someone or several someones) search back to that very first judgement. You need to forgive that person or persons involved. You need to forgive yourself. And sometimes you need to forgive God! You need to repent of making that judgement. You need to ask God to forgive you. You need to listen to the Holy Spirit and see what He says. You need to then do what He says! Finally you need to declare the power of that judgement as broken so that you will no longer harvest its fruit! You will need to have some very discerning people pray with you. And remember - they can not repent of any of this on your behalf! You need to step up! You also need to ask for an in-filling of the Holy Spirit, to help you live your new life without this particular judgement!

Congratulations for being one step closer to being free, just the way Christ intended!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Friday, 31 May 2013

Ask and keep on asking

That is right where I fail! Because I ask once and stop asking!

I keep getting told that God will give me the desires of my heart! And then I wonder, why I don't yet have those desires!

Now what comes before that piece of scripture? Is is "seek the Lord with all your heart?" hang on, that doesn't sound quite right, "delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"! (its in the bible somewhere -I've read it - if you want to know where, go find it!)

So what does that have to do with ask and keep on asking (ask and it you will get, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open - my version of a new testament scripture.)? Well, don't you think we should delight ourselves in asking God for the desires of our hearts? Is that even right?

All I know is that while we delight ourselves in the Lord, we should also ask for the desires of our hearts!

Now here's something that people keep telling me! Apparently that word ask in its original language (of which I do not speak or read) says something like ask and keep on asking... Now, I would suggest (very strongly) that you do not take my word on this, but go and find out for yourself!

And apparently the seek and knock is the same as asking... Seek and continue seeking (until you have found) knock and keep on knocking (until the door is open). But again I (very strongly) recommend that you find this out for yourself!

As for me, I am about to grab some breakfast, a hot chocolate and sit at my computer once again, and ask (and most likely, keep on asking) God for this communion message I am supposed to be writing! Oh how I need inspiration! (Thankfully after yesterdays efforts and prayers I have some very, very loose ideas!)

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Message writing...

I am amazed! After our home group on Wednesday night, Ps Graeme asked the small group that hadn't yet gone home who wanted to do the communion message! I kinda shyly put my hand up because I felt that God said to do it! And everytime that has happened I've had a message! But this time, I'm struggling to put two sentences together! Instead of having a message delivered right there and then, I've had impressions of books to read, songs and a handful of words that could be strung together to make something meaningful!

God knows that I hate waiting! He also knows that I want to share what He is saying. And to be honest, I'm not even sure if I'm hearing correctly! Impressions and half whispered thoughts are not much to go on!

Lets just say I'm running the risk of getting frustrated! But God already knows that too! I'm so very glad that He knows me and what I'm like! And, I did have warning, being stretched... That's an understatement and a half!

I have no idea what God wants me to bring, I have assurance that I will get a message, and I also have assurance that I will be stretched! This is not fun! I know that I have to go with it. I cant pull back! I have to be courageous!

Please pray for me!