Thursday, 29 January 2015

"We all have a little bit of Egypt in us" - Do we? Really?

I am either saved by grace or I am a sinner, not a little bit of both. I do not have a little but of Egypt left in me. I am 100% saved by grace. When I left my Egypt, I didn't just burn my bridges, I nuked them from orbit! Where there were once rivers, needing bridged to cross, there are now crators, filled with water, no bridges, no roads leading up to and away from any bridges, just massive big crators. Why? Because I am saved by grace and no longer require my old Egypt! Granted, like a child learning how to walk, I fall over (sometimes rather dramatically), but I am still 100% saved by grace and justified through faith in Jesus Christ. Not sinner, not slave, but child. Child of God. Child of the Most High, Living God, no less. So why do some people like to try and tell me otherwise? Why do they try to erode my faith away? Why are they unable to accept my faith and why do they not believe that they can have tye same faith? Is it because of the fundamental flaw we humans have possessed since the garden? The inability to trust that what God said is the truth? So we allow ourselves to be deceived by anything and everything? Maybe if we spent a little more time sitting at Jesus' feet, we might just start comprehending His message. Saved by grace does not require anything. To believe that we are saved by grace, requires us to trust that the words and the actions are true. Death on a cross is no simple thing. But it is the action that goes with the words. The rest will come, simply by spending time. So, please, go have a lunch date with Jesus. He will tell you that you are saved by grace and justified through faith in Him.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall