Thursday, 7 August 2014

Beliefs needs to be lived

These songs that say I believe in God or I believe in the Holy trinity, or I believe in the church and the communion of the saints, or I believe He (Jesus) died and rose again - where they once seemed to hold a lot of power, they have been rendered weak and useless,  because the devil also believs that stuff, and he at least has the nous to tremble about it! You and I can spout our beliefs until the cows come home... its not going to help us.  Our belief needs to be more than something we sing about. It needs to be something we live - daily. It needs to be our core essence, otherwise - whats the point of it? What is the point of believing in something if it doesn't affect us? I can believe that Jesus is Lord. That's easy! I can even confess (or sing) that Jesus is Lord. But I need to ask, which Jesus and what is He Lord of? Is He Jesus of Nazareth, the only Son of the most high, living God? Or is He some other Jesus? What is He Lord of? If I say He is Lord of my life, yet go on living in sin, I am simply deluding myself and believing nothing but bullshit. If I say He is Lord of my life, then I need to live like that! My believe and subsequent confession needs to lived out in day to day reality. Because even the devil believes in Jesus, the Messiah!  And he isn't exactly "saved"!!!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall