Monday, 30 June 2014

Faith AND works = righteousness

Hebrews 10:36 For you have need of patience, that, after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise.
This states that patience (a fruit of the Spirit) is needed, as well as doing things (the will of God), to receive the promise... Sounds like receiving the promise is based of doing... so why do people say that we are meant to be human BEINGS (being in Gods presence - Mary) instead of being human DOINGS (doing stuff, busy - Martha)??? If to receive the promise we are to DO?!

The dog (church) has died because the dog (church) is not doing! For so long we (the church) swung our lopsided pendulum towards law based works (getting our butts into heaven based on our own filthy menstral rag self-righteousness), and now, the pendulum is swinging the other way... lets do faith without works and ignore where it says that faith without works is DEAD! No wonder it is such a struggle to get this dead dog on its feet... its point blank stubborn and somewhat sinful refusal to be obedient! Apparently sin is not sin, and we don't have to do anything about it! No wonder the world is confused - we're playing at being a camileion! We have blended into the background, being the world... because we refuse to do the will of God! We refuse to look after the widows and the orphans, we refuse to preach the good news (of Jesus Christ of Nazareth), we'd reather be sour face lemon sucking bitter christians. Dead, is dead! Cant do anything with dead, except to go and bury it! UNLESS... UNLESS we care a whole aweful lot! Unless we be faithful - which is a two-fold thing - trust and trustworthiness. Holding someone (God) to be credible, and being credible! Hmmm... the only thing a dead dog is credible for/with is well, being dead and becoming fertiliser!

Here's a thought... Abraham takes his son up the mountain to go sacrifice him, in spite of the promise - and God credits his ACTIONS (faith and obedience) as righteousness! Abraham had faith AND he had works and he was called righteous! Go figure!! Abraham believed/trusted/obeyed God and it was counted to him for righteousness... There is more to this faith thing than simply hoping/believing/trusting for things unseen! Technically speaking, you could call Abraham a human DOING, not a human BEING!!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

LIVING SACRIFICE - Child OF God -Co-heir WITH Christ... Its WHAT I am!

"When I was woven together in the DEPTHS OF THE EARTH" - GLOBE ... ADAM - DIRT MAN ... FIRST ADAM ... CHRIST - SECOND ADAM ... me woven in the DEPTHS of the earth - SISTER OF CHRIST! This is huge!

I have authority simply because I am adopted as a SISTER of Christ. Not a sister IN Christ, or a sister WITH Christ, but a sister OF Christ. Don't let that go to your head! Co-heir WITH Christ. I never got that before - kinda like - how is that even possible? I need to swap out the slave mentality for something completely different! Renew my mind... Not just refresh but renew - to make new!! Put off the old (slave), put on the new (Sister/Co-heir with).

It is so much deeper then simply get "saved"! I am starting to doubt that "saved" actually has anything to do with anything! Its simply mans doctrine!
To walk with God is more the point. To WALK with GOD. That is what Enoch did - he walked with God! I doubt he prayed some pathetic prayer! I want to do that - to walk - but how?

What's with those prayers anyway? "Lord I give my heart to You...!" NEWS FLASH: He wants MORE than your heart! He wants MORE than your life! He wants YOU!! To walk and talk, to be open and honest, to hide nothing and have integrity, to speak your mind and listen to His.
To be saved - if its your whole life and not one small aspect, sure! But if its only one small aspect - what a joke!

He is a jealous God, and nothing but your all AND your everything will suffice! Living sacrifice! Holy... Holy... Think of that. You cant and aren't holy if you're a pew sitting sunday christian who acknowledges Jesus with your lips but denies Him with your lifestyle! Hmm, tolerance is under scrutiny. What crap is tolerated in that lifestyle? Living SACRIFICE. LIVING sacrifice. Dirt man!



He is relentless. His love is all consuming. To persue Him is the only option. To trust, to have faith and to walk in His authority. Cant do that without knowing Him, and who He made you to be! What He made you to be!

You will know the TRUTH and HE will set you free, and when the TRUTH sets you free, you will be free indeed, because JESUS is the way, the TRUTH and the life.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Love is as strong as death, and vomit is disgusting!

Love is as strong as death and jealousy as unyeilding as the grave. Think about that for a minute. Love is as strong as death. What happened that fateful day, on some hill, in some country, with a Roman execution pole?? Hmm. Love was displayed as strong as death. Get a hold of that thought. Love put the nails in His own hands,  because love is as strong as death. If only we understood and got that in our hearts. Oh how our lives would change. We wouldn't be so content with the mundane and mediocre. We would be living in signs, wonders and miracles. We wouldn't be content with sitting on our butts in church twiddling our thumbs thinking about what we will be doing once we got out of the place.
Love is as strong as death. That speaks of devotion, loyalty, desire. God desired us so much that he demonstrated that His love is as strong as death, even death on a cross. And what are we doing to show our gratitude? Where is our thanks giving? What do our lives look like? Are we tolerating crap in order to fit it? Fit in to what? Society? Would we really choose society over love that is as strong as death? And then comes the jealousy that is unyeilding as the grave. Are we hot or are we cold? Are we lukewarm? How close are we to feeling what its like to be vomit? Consider this: you are neither hot nor cold, and I am about to vomit you up... Sounds kinda gross. But what if our being lukewarm, mediocre, mundane is torture to love that is as strong as death, therefore, the jealousy that is unyeilding has no choice but to get rid of that which is torturous? How's the toleration of crap now? Are we really sure we want to go down that path? Should we tolerate that which is abhorrent to God? Should we tolerate that which God calls detestable? Do we want to experience being someone elses vomit? God is a jealous God, and His jealousy is as unyeilding as the grave. I'm pretty sure that, that means that God has His limits with how long He will put up with mediocre-lukewarmness! Jesus is the only name under heaven by which we must be saved, anyone who tries to get into the sheepfold by any other way is nothing more than a theif. If we are not on Gods side, then we are an enemy... Can we really justify sin, and tolerate crap? Being a white-washed-tomb is the same as being mediocre and lukewarm. I'd rather be either boiling hot or frozen stiff, at least then I wont become vomit! How about you?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall