Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Oh how the mighty have fallen...

This morning I woke up somewhat distressed because of a dream.

In my dream, I was an observer. I did interact once or twice, but I was mostly an observer

The dream was set on a busy hilltop overlooking the ocean. There were two large highschools opposite each other. One of which was on fire. A bunch of teenagers had started the fire because they wanted to. The fire brigade was called and the fire eventually put out. But in the process of the fire being put out, the other school caught alight. I notified the firemen, simply because everyone was so laid back about the fire. Even to the point of sitting right next to where the grass was burning.

From there, I walked to a house where a huge bunch of teenagers where having a party. I watched as some of them decided to go down to the rocks next to the ocean. To the local colony of nesting sea birds. The sea was rough, everyone could see the storm brewing. The teenagers decided to throw rocks at the birds,  then they chased them away from the relative safety of the rocks, simply so the teenagers could take a half drunk swim. As a consequence of that, the teenagers had to be rescued, one died. I went to a different house. I saw a girl who was maybe 18 or 19 carrying another girl through the crowd of people. She said to me as she walked past, "she's dead". Then a boy around the same age started yelling out, about another youth, "he's dead. And you know why he's dead? He was stupid, he slept with anything, but he actually died a long time ago, ge was born gay and that was his problem". Everyone who listened, laughed. The party continued. No-one took any notice that people were passing out from mixing alcohol and various party drugs. They simply didn't care.

I left that house, to find yet more teenagers outside on the lawn. Getting drunk, some beating others up, and no-one doing anything to stop it or trying to help the wounded.

I could see the clouds, the lightning, the rain. The storm, huge and black moved closer and closer and everyone was totally oblivious to its destructive power! Some told me it was just a storm like every other one that's rolled in. But I've never seen a storm like that before.

In tears I slowly walked back to the first house, where, I walked through the crowd, and up the stairs, only to be confronted by yet more carnage and pain, a song, deep, sorrowful, but desperate welled up inside me, as a prayer not only for the people of that town, but for the people of this nation...

Blow mighty breath of God, move upon this place.
Blow mighty breath of God, wont You move in power and grace.

One person asked me if I was ok, did I need a drink? I told him to look around himself, what did he see? Whilst he saw the physical damage to property and buildings, which saddened him, he failed to see the pain in the hearts of the people. He didn't care that they were in pain and causing pain. He was sad about the material things that can be replaced. Not concerned about the people who cant be replaced. By the end, I'd lost count of the number of dead and wounded.

I feel that I had the great displeasure of seeing what humanity is, through Gods eyes. And what I felt was a great sadness. It overwhelmed me. We are apathetic, even in the face of great danger. We will put our lives at risk for some "fun" that could potentially kill us. We hurt ourselves and those around us and call it entertainment. We are hurting and lack the sense to go and get healed. We party on while the world around us is falling apart. We no longer recognise danger and take shelter.

When I looked in the eyes of some of those kids, I saw pain, anguish, anger and shame. How low have we sunk, and when are we going to do something about it!?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall

Saturday, 5 April 2014

The Price

Walking with God comes at a price. And for some, that price is just too high.

A conversation brtween two men. One wanting to know how to have eternal life, the other wanting to know if the first has the heart for his desire.

Sell everything, give to the poor, then follow... The price was laid out, it was too high for the first man, he walks away sad...

To give up what we are and to follow, this is the price! Some call it the "laid down life".

Some say that a relationship with God or a simple belief in God is a crutch used by the weak. That may be so, but God is gentle. And He makes strong, the weak. And that is better than any feat of human strength.

The price is the same for all, some just perceive it differently.  See, we all have to turn over our lives to God. Let Him be in control of our destiny. And for some, that is simply too hard to do.

To pay the price and lay down our lives requires intentionality. We have to be willing. And being willing makes us humble. See, God opposes the proud.

God is standing there, at His front gate, day in, day out, watching, waiting for  a glimpse of a smelly, dirty person to come staggering up the road, muttering to themselves, "I've sinned and not worthy of being Your son/daughter..." God sees that person, and before they know what's happened, they're inside having food shoved into their mouth, being scrubbed from head to foot, being measured for new clothes, and being given on the job training in their new line of work! All because they came to God humbly.

But it shouldn't stop there. Part of the price is to follow. To follow directions, to follow God. To follow the leading and prompting of the Holy Spirit. To follow. This simply meams that you put aside your desires for your life and grab hold of Gods desires for your life. Easier said than done! This requires intentionality.

And let me say this. The moment you decide you are going to walk this path, that is the minute that you'll loose some friends, however, you'll gain new ones alomg the way. You'll become sn offense to some, and you'll be just what the Dr. ordered for others. Things you did that maybe you probably shouldn't be doing, you'll decide to stop. Things, actions, attitudes that were perfectly tolerable before, womt be quite so tolerable now, and some will prove themselves to be a rather nasty stench up your nostrils.

This path, when ypu decide to walk down it... it will lead you closer to God. You'll have a deeper understanding of yourself, God and maybe some things around you. But by walking this path, you will be issuing a challenge to all who know you. Some will tolerate you, some will walk away from you, others will hold your hand and support you. This is not an easy road. Jesus Himself says that the path is narrow and few find it! Sounds to me like a quiet and possibly lonely path. That is the price. To forsake all else for the sake of Christ.

And boy what a road it is. Thrilling, terrifying, exhilarating, all at the same time! And I've only just started down this road.

You can be saved, but not be changed. You've got to make the decision to walk this road. It aint gonna walk for you. And if you're concerned about all the things you'll loose along the way - think of the things you'll gain.

So you decide to no longer tolerate that "friend" who comtrols you and manipulates you for their benefit. They walk away from you because you are no longer viable for their cause. You find that in their place you have several friends who care about you and have whats best for you in their hearts.

What you loose, God calls filthy rags, and He gives robes of righteousness as a replacement. So you no longer look and smell like a dirty forgotten slave who is begging for bread. You are clean, you are in the Kings palace and you have been adopted into His family, that makes you royalty. Choosing to follow, would be the best choice you can ever make. All it takes is a little bit of willingness for that first step.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Another communion message.

I cant see Christ in me, so how the hell is anyone else suppoded to see Christ in me?

So much for the relentless pursuit of who God created me to be! Sometimes I feel like a fraud.  

People tell other people about me, and its "all good"! What am I, super human? Think I need to take "super human" out the back and shoot her before she starts causing me trouble! How can it all be good? Or is it that people dont see my failings, or is it more that they dont want to? The only thing good about me is God! How can it all be good?   Does God speak of me as being "all good"? What does He have to say about this? What is His opinion?  

I am saved by grace, through Christ, to be set free. And when I am free, I shall be free indeed! - What does that really mean, in reality? Is that a bunch of meaningless words that have, over time become a boring, meaningless cliché? What does saved look like? What does free look like? And who am I that I should receive abundant unmerrited favour, also known as grace?? What was it that caused Almighty God to look upon me with grace? And dont tell me, love! Because even that is becomming cliché!

There is something more to it all, something deeper, hard to explain, because human understanding is too pathetic to comprehend its deepth. English fails me and that causes huge problems because it is my only language! Though, I doubt that any other language would be much help when it comes to the things of God!  

Do I really understand saved? Is it just from sin or is it more than that? Saved from myself, maybe! That would be a good place to start! Salvation... To end all offerings for sin! To set me free ... From sin! Seems a lot of pain and suffering on both Jesus and His Father, for a simple once and for all sin offering! There has to be more to it!   Is there the remote possibility that Jesus went through hell on earth - being that He who knew no sin, was made to be sin, separated from His Father, for a bunch of people who couldnt really care less - in order to bring heaven to earth?

It is said that the here and now is the only hell some will ever experience, while the here and now is the only heaven others will experience! Is our being save, set free indeed, and granted abundant unmerrited favour, because we are meant to get off our butts and show this mud ball a little slice of heaven, in the here and now?  

When we eat and drink, what are we actually partaking of? A sip of liquid, and a biscuit, or is it something more profound? Have we opened our eyes to see exactly what Jesus is doing? Or have we pulled down the shades, because the light of God is too bright? Are we willing to walk where our Rabbi is going? Are we covered in the dust of His feet because we are following Him so closely, not wanting to miss a step.

What have we missed out on, because we think that the here and now is all there is? Where is Jesus leading each of us? Are we willing to lay down our lives and follow?  

Lord I ask that we, Your people will have the guts, courage, and determination to follow You wherever You lead us. Because this life is not about us, but about You.  


May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Australian Watcher On The Wall