Tuesday, 30 July 2013

I love it when God says...

During my time of prayer, whenever it was that I started going to the 6am meeting, I used to pray that God would do His will in any given situation! Its great to pray that, but its also crap!

Then there was the occasional time when God would ask me what I wanted to see in a given situation! Now, I thought that was cool!

But then God started to tell me to ask  Him to intervene in a given situation! Now that was awesome!

But then, of late, He's been asking me to ask Him to personally step into the situation and do the list of things that He tells me to ask Him to do!

Now, right at the beginning - it was "I have no idea what or how to pray"!! So praying for Gods will in the situation... It is great, simply because I was asking for God to do His will. But it was crap because it was a cop-out! It was the "lazy mans route"! Anyone can pray that way!

I'd get excited when God would ask me what I wanted in a situation! But this was a very occasional thing indeed!

Then asking God to intervene - while intervention is great - it still came across as "God, stay where you are, there in heaven, but send an angel or something to intervene in this"!!

Asking God to personally step into a situation is awesome! And He is asking me to ask Him to do it more often! Its what He wants to do! Be personal, and close to all His children, both the ones that know Him and the ones yet to know Him!

And, yes, there are still moments when I pray the Gods will thing!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Laid down completely

A "laid down life" doesn't necessarily have to end in death! For Jesus, death was a short interlude in His time on earth! He had business that He had to attend to, for the sake of us - His friends, and for the sake of His Father! He suffered so that we wouldn't have to! That DOES NOT mean that we will have an easy, smooth, pain and suffering free life here on earth, because we live in a fallen world! That means that we will not have to suffer the agony of eternal separation from God! Jesus was separated from God for a short time so that we wouldn't be separated from Him for eternity.

How then, does it make both the Father and Jesus feel, when, in our arrogance and pig-headed stubborn pride, we say to God that we neither need nor want what Jesus suffered, died and rose to life to give us? How is it that we feel that we can scorn and slurry what we were given?

Before Jesus died, He showed us love and grace. He forgave sins and healed the sick! When He suffered, He showed grace - Father forgive them for they know not what they do! When He rose to life He continued to show grace.

Grace isn't some whimpy powerless thing that gives us the ability to do whatever the hell we please!

Grace is the power to live in a fallen world! Grace is the power to believe! Grace is the power to forgive! Grace is the power to love unconditionally! Grace is the power and the ability to repent! Grace is the power to walk in Gods freedom within the boundaries of His love!

This Jesus, who loved us so much that it killed Him, loved so much that He did more than just die! He was God - death has no power over God! This Jesus, the Son of God, He reconciled us to the Father and the Father to us! He made it possible for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit! It was more than just a simple death and resurrection! He gave us His all!

He gave us His life, for us to learn to live like Him! Starting with His death - not my will but Yours be done! He laid down His life completely to the will of the Father!

Will you lay your life down completely to the will of the Father??

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Things I've learnt from prayer ministry

In the past I had some very well meaning people come to me with lists of issues! Not their issues, my issues - or at least things that they thought were my issues! And I remember taking one such list and going through it and saying "that's not an issue, that's not am issue, that's not an issue..." I got to the end of the list and was told I was in denial! What a joke! I could identify that these "issues" were mere symptoms of an underlying root problem! And having had already been discussing my problems with God, He said to leave that one on the shelf for now, I was to work elsewhere!

Some people tend to get a little offended when you say that to them! But they are the ones in the wrong with trying to force their agenda!

Another thing is, if someone says to write down any issues/problems you may have to get dealt with... Its OK to not write anything down! Its also OK to struggle to write things down!

I went to a freed to live day ran by VMTC recently and we were asked to write stuff down! I struggled! Seriously struggled! In the end I wrote "the black bits" these are things that I know are there, but because of my wonderful ability to block out memories, I have no idea what they are!

I know that some people can write pages and pages of stuff down that they want to deal with! Some of us can't! Some of us don't see that we have anything to deal with right now! It OK because God knows what we need! God knows where we are at! And if it is Gods agenda to deal with something, He will make it known!

Something else I've learned... I can go to God and say I have this or that issue... And He'll say, "that's great, but were working here! You're not ready to go there yet!" Its because He knows me better than I know me!

Be encouraged, God knows you better than you think! He will open your eyes to His will for you, and that is what counts! While other peoples opinions are valid, God must always overrule! He knows what's best!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Spirit filled and demon possessed: its not good but can happen!

Its been said that "a Spirit filled believer can not have a demon! And if they do, are they really saved??"

I beg to differ!! Well, actually, I don't beg, I disagree! Totally!

Here's why!

In my days as a witch (which I have since repented of etc.) I had two friends (whom shall remain nameless other than to call them witch 1 and witch 2)...

They had a plan for me! Apparently I was a natural and rather strong in certain areas and they wanted to harness this for their own devious plans! So they set about placing within me a demon with triggers so that they could "activate" me whenever and wherever they wanted!

For whatever reason they had a falling out with each other, and no longer spoke to each other! And witch 2 said to me "be careful, she's a dangerous one that one!"

Anyway, I had these moments in time where my world would turn black and I'd end up who knows where! It was because the thing in me had been activated and I had been controlled...

I had been saved and Spirit filled for at least 10 or more years before I finally found out what was going on there and finally was delivered and set free of this demonic thing!

So from personal experience, I can tell you, that it is entirely possible to be saved, Spirit filled and demon possessed at the same time! Its not a good place to be and the demon needs to be gotten rid of ASAP! But in some circumstances, the person has no idea how it got there or when! And only by revelation of the Holy Spirit did I come to find out what the problem was and how to get rid of it!

Thanks and praise be to God, I am free!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Worship: What you lack in skill, make up for it - joyful and loud! :)

Make a joyful noise! When it comes to worship, make a joyful noise! Whether you think you can sing or can't sing, make a joyful noise anyway! God likes to hear you sing! No matter what you think, He enjoys it and He stops to listen to you! So even your out of tune, in the wrong key or whatever singing, the God of the universe who created you, stops to hear you worship! And He never said to sing in tune, key or anything else! Just make a joyful noise! Your creator delights in you ... take some time and delight in Him!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Monday, 15 July 2013

How will we respond?

How will we respond to a God who gave us everything, though we deserved nothing?

How will we respond to a God who tells us what to do then helps us do it?

How will we respond to a God who demands that we have no other god before Him, for He is a jealous God??

How will we respond to a God who asks us to lay down our lives to Him and for Him?

How will we respond to a God that is powerful enough to create life and also utterly destroy it?

How will we respond to a God who is higher than the heavens, yet closer than our toaster?? And who knows every hair on our head?

How will we respond to a universe creating God who knows more about us than we know about ourselves?

How will we respond to a God who stepped out of heaven and became a man?

How will we respond to a God who was willingly beaten?

How will we respond to a God who allowed Himself to be nailed to a piece of wood for crimes He did not commit? For sicknesses that were not His? And for the sins we try to hide?

How will we respond to a God who created us, and fully knowing our faults, still said, "Come and follow Me?", because He believes we can do what He asks of us??

How will we respond?

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!


Jesus said "come follow me", not for the fun of it!  He said that because He believes that you can be like Him! He has faith that you can do what He says you can! Do not doubt yourself, for Jesus does not doubt you! He knows that with Him, you can do all the things He created you to do!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you. And may you be coated in the dust of your Rabbi!

Friday, 12 July 2013

This is war and it ain't pretty!

Recently I watched a movie where North Korea invaded America! (Apparently its a new version of and old movie!)

Anyway - in this movie the dude who played Thor in Thor gave a little speech... He said that its war and its going to be messy, but we are fighting for our families and that will make it a little easier! (My paraphrased version!)

While we christians are fighting a war, our enemy (thankfully) is NOT North Korea! Its not any regime or super-power, or any human for that matter!

We should not in any way "sell" christianity as an easy, fun way on life! On the contrary, it is hard, and in some parts of the world, it is life threateningly dangerous!

There was this dude who decided that he wasn't going to stay and fight! He'd had enough and it hadn't really gotten messy yet! He decided to help the enemy! Jesus said that those who try to save their lives will loose them (which is what happened to this turn-coat) and those who loose their lives for Jesus' sake will save them!

I find it interesting that there are some christians who have walked away from God because they have been asked, by God, to give up some things that are doing them great harm! They don't seem to be willing to "loose their life" for the sake of the cross of Christ! And thus have lost their life! (Their freedom in Christ!)

This world is a battle zone, whether we like it or not! We can choose to try and keep it at arms length or we can choose to join in and fight for what is right!

It is for freedom that Jesus came to set the captives free! Our families and friends who don't yet know Jesus in a one on one, personal kinda way, are being held captive by our enemy! Are we going to stand and fight for them?

At the end of this movie some old guy offers the remaining kids a chance for a break and freedom! (The temptation to leave the battle and forget those left behind!) But they chose to stay and fight! (Awesome) What are you going to choose?

But as for me and my household we WILL serve the Lord! I realise that this kind of decision puts me on the "front line", but the fight is well worth the effort! And only when its finished, will I stop! I hope and pray that I will see you standing with me! United in the blood and body of Christ Jesus our Lord.

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

We are required to listen - carefully!

Some battles are for us to take up, but others are to be placed in Gods hands AND LEFT THERE.
Sometimes a situation calls for healing, other times they call for repentance and forgiveness, and still others - God asks for a quiet place of worship in order to restore and renew.
We need to hear what God wants in each situation!
Just because circumstances for several different people look the same - they all got there by different roads, and thus, require different ways of dealing with the problem or issue!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

God knows

Its sad how we get to know others - especially for prayer...

Paul with pancreatic cancer, Louise with this issue, Peter with that problem, So-and-so with O.C.D., that lady over there who had a fall and broke a hip, this family who's dad died recently.

I'm pretty sure that there is more to people then their problems and ailments and sadness.

While we don't need to know everyones life stories, especially for prayer... Sometimes it helps! Once in a little while I'd like to know more than a persons name and their problem! At least I know that God knows who each of these people are! And God knows, ultimately, how to handle each problem!

Maybe I just want to fix every problem and solve every painful place... But that will only cause more problems!

Some things are best left to God!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Some thoughts and questions!

When you dis-believe that there is evil in the form of the devil - there, you enter into some problems.

The bible says that God doesn't tempt us, yet we are tempted! Is it really possible that all our temptations are from our flesh?

I've heard christians say that there is no devil - then who is it that features in Revelation??

I've also heard christians say to stop looking for "him" under every bush! While I doubt that the devil is the main cause of ALL our problems, I do believe that he has a small part to play in some of our problems!

If there is no devil - where did sin come from?

If the devil is completely useless and powerless, then why do we have to submit ourselves to God and RESIST the devil? If he is as powerless as some would have us believe - shouldn't we simply just be able to push him over??

I'm also certain that some reading this will tell me that I've attributed too much "glory" to the devil!

Why is it that among some circles of christians the subject of the devil is lumped in the same category as sex and death - taboo! (oops! did I just say that??? ;) )

By the way, I would love to know your thoughts! Simply leave them in the comment section below! Remember - I do moderate them!

Do we even believe in the devil anymore? I know satanists still do! (that is not as extreme as you might think!)

There's a song I know, written from the devils perspective. It says that he can do anything he likes because no-one believes in him anymore! And apparently it is getting easier to do this "anything I like" because we've closed our eyes, turned a blind eye or simply chosen to ignore! We pretend that horoscopes are fun and harmless! We pretend that halloween is a night for fun and games. We are happy to have our palms and eyes read through palm reading and iridology! We are more than happy to participate in reiki massage and reflexology and kinesiology! We believe that it is all harmless fun that causes no problems and open no doors! But that is a very, very foolish and stupid belief! These things open us up to the very real world of the devil! These are all pathways into the occult! (there are 100s more ways that I could list - like accupunture, accupressure, numerology, charkra healing, crystal (precious/semi-precious stone) healing, weja boards, and a pile of things I can't spell!)
Let me just say one more thing on this - the mess you end up in when you have "dabbled" in this stuff is not pretty! You will need to repent and renounce all involvement in the occult and witchcraft!

Do we believe in the existence of the devil? I do hope so! Does he have all the power? Nope! Not by a long shot! If he did, we would be calling him Lord instead of Jesus! And the devil doesn't care for us like Jesus does! Who was the one to died for us and then three days later rose again for us?!! Who was the one who created is in His image?

While the devil has very real power, greater is He who is in us that he who is in the world!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


Have you ever been told to meditate?? Were you told to empty your mind until it is blank? I strongly recommend that you NEVER do that! Empty things can be filled!

When I was a witch, a couple of my friends would play some "games"... They would search out those who had emptied their minds, then they would send their "minions" (demons) to whisper things into the minds of these poor people! I'd watch this and sometimes the victim would burst into laughter, other times they would be wrapped up in such terror and horror!
It depended on what kind of "fun" these witches wanted to have!

In the Bible it is written:
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is worthy of respect, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if something is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things.

If your mind is full of praise and adoration for God, then the devil, witches or whatever else CANNOT put their thoughts in your head!

When you meditate - meditate on God! Meditate on his word. Think about all the good things He has done for you! (The other positive benefit of this is that it is harder to sin when you are thinking about God!)

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.