Thursday, 27 June 2013

Your sins are forgiven, take up your mat and walk

Life is a journey! And there are painful bits!

If we are willing, Jesus will deal with those painful bits!

I've heard people say "just get over it" - easier said than done! To be getting over something is liken to burying something alive! And if you have buried loving issues, they will not allow you to move on! They will keep reaching out of their premature grave and pull you back!
Now some people then go and pour ten metres of concrete (bitterness and unforgiveness) over that grave! Then they wonder why their problem still haunts them! So they try to run away!

Have you ever tried to run away from your own skin?? It doesn't work! Running away from your issues is like trying to run away from your own skin!

Dealing with them is much better! They are less likely to resurrect themselves!

This is where your mat comes in! Its that little bit of comfort! The knowledge and understanding that Jesus is with you! The caring people who pray with you!

To deal with your issues, you need to lay your mat down, and lay on it! This requires getting rather vulnerable!
You then allow Jesus to examine the hurt part to see what needs removing and what can be healed! (Prayer ministry with the Holy Spirit)
Then after all that, Jesus says to you, "My child, your sins are forgiven, take up your mat and walk!"

You go along and find another painful place - the process begins again! You lay your mat down, Jesus examines you, you get healed...

Forgiveness is a huge part of this process! Forgiving those who hurt you, forgiving yourself AND sometimes you need to forgive God!

Dealing with your issues is your responsibility. Jesus is a gentleman - He will never over step your boundaries! You need to ask Him to examine you where it hurts! Then you need to do what He says to solve the problem!

If you need prayer ministry, then I strongly recommend that you seek out those who can help! Start off with your church prayer team, or go to Elijah House Ministries or VMTC (Victorious Ministries Through Christ). (links are in the side bar at the top)

Jesus loves you! He wants to help you overcome and deal with your painful bits. It is for freedom that He wants to set you free! You are not alone in your life! Jesus is with you!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Prayer notes

This last week and a bit has been a bit of a sad, yet exciting time!
My dog Oreo died.
Now God has had me praying in a very particular way in which I have come under attack! We all should know by now that when we start doing what God says, the devil takes notice!
Anyway, Oreos death was a sad outcome!
Now, I'm not going to go into the debate "did God cause it, did God allow it", because those are side issues and not important! What is important is that God used it! Oreos death reminded me of something that I forgot to do!
When we start in spiritual warfare, we absolutely must pray for protection for our families! While most of us classify our pets as family, the devil doesn't! His technicality is that they are in fact animals! We need to pray for their protection too!
Oreos death didn't stop me doing what God wants, but it did slow me down! Be sure to not make the same small and seemingly insignificant mistake that I did!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Self-fulfilling prophecies

I'm just going to jump right in here! :)

I'm going to pick on "I'm tired"! It is one that is heard an awful lot! Countless people say on a daily (sometimes even hourly) basis say, "I'm tired"!

I have a question for those people - why do you feel that way? I want you to sit down, spend some time, and analyse why you feel that way!

Then I want to to seek God on what He says about why you feel that way!

There are multiple reasons why you could feel tired! So before we do anything about finding a solution, we need to sort out the exact problem!

If you are regularly tired and run down, what have you tried to do to solve the problem?

The problem could in fact be your body telling you that you are doing too much! Or it could be that your body is telling you that there is a serious problem that needs medical attention ASAP! There is the possibility of many reasons for why you feel like that!

There is one in particular that I want to cover! That is, the self-fulfilling prophecy! This is where you are the victim of your own tongue! It starts out simply - you overdid something a long time back, and you said, I feel tired! (There's nothing wring with feeling tired, so long as you get yourself the rest you require). You keep overdoing this something and as a consequence, you stay tired. By now you've been telling yourself how tired you are for quite a long time! You speak to yourself that you are always tired. You tell your friends and your family that you are always tired! So your body (which is very good at listening to the words that fall out of your mouth) starts listening and believing what you are saying! Then, it starts acting on what you are saying! Thus, you score for yourself a self-fulfilling prophecy! Even if you change your actions and rest, you're still tired! This is a problem!

The best way to solve this little problem is to listen to what you are actually telling yourself! And change, not only your words, but your attitude, and your actions! Seeking God for healing of your mind and body and forgiving yourself for the words spoken will help too! Its a daily struggle to break through! But it is possible!

If you are telling yourself and your work mate that you are always tired, is that because you get home from work and stay awake until midnight then expect yourself to be awake at 5am? Logically speaking, you won't be able to live like that forever! Something will give out! Simply change your words AND your actions! Simply telling yourself that you will be awake and bright eyed is not enough if you are working all day, partying/studying/whatever half the night, sleeping 3-5 hours, getting up at 5am to do it all over again! Your tired because you need to rest!

Before you continue telling yourself you are tired, go and find out why you feel like that!

Likewise, before you tell yourself that you never have enough money or time, check out what you are spending your money or time doing!

Its all well and good going for prayer every week about a problem, but if your not actively trying to solve the issue, where's it going to get you? Disappointed and disillusioned!

I read a saying once - call out to God, but row away from the rocks! There's logic in that!

If you're tired, find out why! If you "never have enough whatever", find out why! If you seek God on what's going on, I'm pretty sure that He will tell you the problem, and how to fix it!

God is not only interested in your spiritual wellbeing, but He is logical and very practicle!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Its a heart issue action, not just a head thought!

"Then, after doing all those things, ..." After God does the whole softening of hardened hearts, causing repentance and everything else (read Joel 1 & 2 up to v 28 for the details). After doing all that, and we are humble and soft before Him, knowing how to seek His face with our hearts, then "I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. 29 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants-- men and women alike. 30 And I will cause wonders in the heavens and on the earth-- blood and fire and columns of smoke..."

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Standing room only

I was at "Waiting on God" tonight, and this is what God said!

"Standing Room Only!
That is how MY church will be when you learn to seek MY face with your heart.
You will be in MY will when you seek MY face with your heart.
You will see MY miracles when you seek MY face with your heart.
You will lack nothing when you seek MY face with your heart."

Go, spend time with Jesus. Share your heart with Him!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Bitter root judgement: the world owes me

You're a small child and something doesn't go the way you wanted. You make a judgement... (my mum/dad/whoever didn't do x, y, z so they now owe me a, b, c.) You go along and life is great, except for this one little hick-up! You find that your whatever didn't do x, y, z so now they owe you a, b, c... Sound familiar? Congratulations - you have just reaped the first harvest of your bitter root judgement! Life goes along a bit further and you reap the second, third and fourth harvests of your judgement! (Its how life works!)

Now you're old... You still hang on dearly to the cruddy old judgement. You can now no longer remember what you made it for... But eventually...

You go down the road believing that the world owes you. The world owes you money, the world owes you a nice car, the world owes you a good looking boy friend or girl friend...

NEWS FLASH!! The world rarely pays its debts! And when it does - its usually to the wrong person!
You're now very unhappily living out your judgement! You're also the owner of a very unhappy judgement/harvest cycle!

Welcome to the unhappy life! Your job sucks, your wife hates you (do you think), your shoes stink because the dog used them as his toilet this morning, your mortgage is huge, your struggling to breathe... The world still owes you!

What are you going to do about it?

You believe that Jesus died for your sins (and health) and rose again on the third day. You believe that Jesus is the one and only Son of the living God... Yet, for some reason you still believe that the world owes you!

Here's a dose of perspective. Jesus died because of your sin! Jesus died because of your I'll health!

Here's some more perspective. You owed a debt you could not pay to the living God. Jesus paid it on your behalf!

The world - its poor! It can't pay your debt. It can't give you what you think it should!

To solve the problem, you need to come to Jesus with a repentant heart! You need to prayerfully (with someone or several someones) search back to that very first judgement. You need to forgive that person or persons involved. You need to forgive yourself. And sometimes you need to forgive God! You need to repent of making that judgement. You need to ask God to forgive you. You need to listen to the Holy Spirit and see what He says. You need to then do what He says! Finally you need to declare the power of that judgement as broken so that you will no longer harvest its fruit! You will need to have some very discerning people pray with you. And remember - they can not repent of any of this on your behalf! You need to step up! You also need to ask for an in-filling of the Holy Spirit, to help you live your new life without this particular judgement!

Congratulations for being one step closer to being free, just the way Christ intended!

May Gods blessings shower down upon you.